

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
BL346 Vb CBAF 24MU 13-12-41 485S 12-1-42 Damaged escorting Hurricanes to Desvres FAAC 15-4-42
AR394 Vb West 38MU 1-4-42 41S 13-4-42 Hit tree while attacking gun position in France CAC 3-5-42 CE 11-5-42 WAL
BL347 Vb CBAF 8MU 26-2-42 411S 20-4-43 234S 11-1-44 CB ops 2-7-44 AST CGS 1-10-44 SOC 27-2-45
AR395 Vb West 38MU 1-4-42 81S 7-6-42 317S 15-6-43 412S 29-6-43 CAC ops 3-10-43 303S 3-12-43 Scottish Aviation USAAF 10-5-44 1653CU 1-12-44 FACE 20-3-45 SOC 30-3-45
BL348 Vb CBAF 37MU 29-3-42 122S 'MT-M' 18-4-42 Shot down by Fw190s nr St.Omer 17-5-42
AR396 Vb West LFLRVb 38MU 4-4-42 602S 7-5-42 FAAC 11-5-42 ros 402S 22-5-42 350S 14-8-42 CAC ops 19-8-42 ros 412S 7-12-42 453S 'FU-K' 31-1-43 167S 19-5-43 132S 13-2-44 504S 15-3-44 310S 23-7-44 53OTU 6-11-44 flaps up during landing ove... ...
BL349 Vb CBAF 9MU 20-11-41 65S 27-11-41 CAC ops 19-4-42 SOC CE 23-4-42
AR397 Vb West 38MU 6-4-42 313S 26-4-42 Shot down by Fw190 nr Calais 2-6-42 Sgt E Halamasek killed
BL350 Vb CBAF LRVb 24MU 5-12-41 129S 14-2-42 602S 29-11-42 129S 22-1-43 66S 19-2-43 CB ops 7-3-43 ros 234S 12-5-43 312S 29-6-43 317S 4-10-43 FAAC 7-1-44 ros Basta mods 28-2-44 CGS 13-10-44 Engine cut on take-off bellylanded Catfoss 17... ...
AR398 Vb West 38MU 6-4-42 81S 'FL-T' 3-6-42 AST 6-8-42 52OTU 2-2-43 engine failed crashed North Wroxhall Wilts CE 6-9-43 SOC 11-9-43
AR399 Vb West 38MU 6-4-42 154S 8-6-42 122S 23-6-42 AST major repair 16-8-42 PPSM 21-10-42 52OTU 5-2-43 FLS 2-2-44 Scottish Aviation 7-4-44 Basta mods M46 install 85OTU 29-3-45 to 5720M 16-10-45
BL352 Vb CBAF 37MU 23-11-41 131S 10-12-41 76MU 31-10-42 City of Lille 8-12-42 USSR 16-2-43
AR400 Vb West 38MU 7-4-42 122S 'MT-D' 6-5-42 Ramrod 33 Ambleteuse am Shot down by Karl Willius JG26 17-5-42
BL353 Vb CBAF 37MU 23-11-41 130S 12-12-41 DeH 14-7-42 222MU 25-10-42 Harpolycus 19-12-42 USSR 17-3-43
AR401 Vb West 38MU 8-4-42 402S 23-5-42 hit sea damaged prop crash-landing nr Hailsham Sussex 30-7-42 SOC 11-9-42
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify