

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
AR522 Vc West 33MU 10-7-42 312S 31-7-42 FAAC 9-8-42 ros 412S 23-4-43 Damaged by Mustang and dived into sea 32m S of Scillies 17-6-43 F/O L W Powell DFC killed
BL473 Vb CBAF 37MU 7-12-41 308S 26-1-42 FAAC 7-7-42 ros 91S 15-10-42 616S 1-5-43 52OTU 16-7-43 FLS 2-2-44 DeH 26-2-44 Basta mods 53OTU 14-12-44 61OTU 28-6-45 SOC 15-10-45
BL474 Vb CBAF 12MU 9-12-41 123S 27-12-41 167S 16-4-42 165S 27-5-42 CAC ops 5-6-42 ros FACB 22-1-44 Shorts Harland 17FTS 29-5-45 Undershot landing at Harlaxton FAAC 14-1-46 recat E SOC 31-1-46
AR524 Vc West 38MU 13-7-42 VASM 17-8-42 fuel syst mods 76MU 6-10-42 SS626 20-10-42 Gibraltar 6-11-42 NWAfrica 28-2-43 Armee de l'Air 1-10-43 GC1/7 PRO 14 FAC3 22-3-44
BL475 Vb CBAF 37MU 10-12-41 308S 10-1-42 engine failed on takeoff crashed Exeter CE 8-4-42 AST SOC
BL476 Vb CBAF 12MU 9-12-41 602S 24-12-41 350S 1-4-42 Shot down by Fw190s off Calais 23-5-42 P/O E E L Winterbeek killed
AR526 Vc West 38MU 11-7-42 VASM 9-9-42 fuel syst mods 215MU 27-9-42 Waroonga 13-10-42 Australia 24-12-42 457S RAAF as A58-3 Lost on ops from Milingimbie 5-43
BL478 Vb CBAF 8MU 26-2-42 601S 14-3-42 222S 29-3-42 Missing from sweep over Pas de Calais 15-4-42 Sgt P Mathillon killed
AR528 Vc West 38MU 13-7-42 610S 22-8-42 FACB 1-11-42 421S 11-4-43 416S 23-5-43 401S 1-6-43 Took off in coarse pitch and crashlanded Boulmer FACE 14-8-44 LMS recat E 30-8-44
AR529 Vc West 38MU 13-7-42 313S 30-7-42 VASM 20-8-42 fuel syst mods 402S 14-5-43 damaged ops ros 501S 'SD-S' 20-11-43 53OTU 22-2-45 engine failed on takeoff overturned in wheels up landing Kirton-in Lindsey CE 24-4-45 SOC 4-5-45
BL480 Vb CBAF 33MU 3-1-42 313S 15-1-42 Shot down by fighters 15m S of Gravelines 10-4-42 Sgt F Pokorny killed
AR530 Vc West 38MU 13-7-42 VASM 20-8-42 fuel syst mods 222MU 16-9-42 SS621 16-10-42 Gibraltar 1-11-42 C3 ops 4-12-42
BL481 Vb CBAF 37MU 15-3-42 616S 28-3-42 316S 22-5-42 FAAC 4-6-42 ros 317S 4-7-42 315S 4-9-42 222S 1-12-42 64S 31-3-43 118S 25-9-43 USAAF 6-1-44 SOC E 27-11-46
AR531 Vc West 38MU 13-7-42 VASM 20-8-42 fuel syst mods 82MU 13-9-42 SS622 1-11-42 Middle East 30-11-44 Hit by JK324 on peritrack Ismailia 19-2-45 SOC 31-5-45
BL482 Vb CBAF 38MU 28-12-41 308S 30-1-42 Collided with B1624 and crashed nr Redhill FACE 6-7-42 SOC 25-7-42 FH177.50
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify