Highly respected and effective Squadron Leader, Commanding Officer 19 Squadron Fowlemere & Duxford: Spitfire Ace Fighter Pilot with 6 Kills + 2 possible; Author “Spitfire! The Experiences of a Fighter Pilot” B.J. Ellan DFC (age 23), based on his Log Book/Diary entries, first published 1942.
His favourite Spitfire P9386 QV-K was Struck of Charge 9 Feb 1945. Brian's Log Books are lodged with the Imperial War Museum (IWM) London.
13th December 1942 (age 25); Spitfire Mk VC.3W-H AR612 of 167 Gold Coast Squadron shot down by Oberleutnant Walter Leonhardt FW190 of 6/JG 1 unit over N. Sea 16:34 h. 20 m west of Schowen Island. Brian's body was never recovered from the North Sea.