
O'KEEFE, Henry John


rank: F/Sgt
status: kia
airforce: RAF    (no: 1256757 )
born: Well hall S.E 9 United Kingdom

added by: Justin

All Images:

Bio / Text:

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Henry flew Blenheims but I don't know which squadron. He was in 94 and finally 73 squadron. He lost his life on alone sweep over Athen apparently from flak or small arms fire. He was in spitfire LF Mk lX MJ992 at the time of his death 05.01.1945.

If anyone knows where he crashed and was the wreckage ever found? I think maybe in the sea. If anyone has come across any other Squadron with a Henry O'Keefe in, please contact me on

Burial/Commemoration Details : 4. B. 9. at Phaleron War Cemetery, Greece.


Squadrons add
RAF 94 squadron 1944-05-01
RAF 73 Squadron 1944-10-01


Bu Amud (Libya) 1944-05-01
JK435 Convoy patrol 1944-05-04
JK977 Patrol over convoy 1944-05-24
MH838 Escorted 12 Marauders to bomb Crete. One M.E109 destroyed and one damaged. 1944-05-31
EN152 Escorted Marauders to bomb targets in Crete 1944-06-08
Convoy patrol 1944-06-24
JG839 Convoy patrol 1944-06-30
MH360 Convoy patrol from Savoia 1944-06-30
MH360 Dusk convoy patrol from Savoia 1944-06-30
MA508 Last patrol over convoy 'uranium' 1944-07-07
MH705 Estorted Baltimores attacking airfield Crete. Formation was attacked by 8 M.E109's. Two 109's shot down.109' 1944-07-08
Moved from Bu Amud to Savoia 1944-07-15
MA526 Continued patrol convoy 'eastcheap' 1944-08-09
MA422 Offensive sweep over Crete. No enemy A/C seen. 1944-08-14
No flights from 1944-08-27 to 1944-10-18 squadron moving to Greece 1944-08-27
JG839 Savoia to Kalamaki (Greece) crashed on Landing killing Lt Dummett Q.R 1944-10-19
Squadron informed today prepare a detachment of 12 aircraft to go to Greece 1944-11-07
MK444 Sector recce 1944-11-14
PT707 Weather recce inland to Knin then base 1944-11-15
PT617 Bomber escort from Vis, Visegrad, Dobrun, Novi Pasar was many objects burning. Flak encountered. No incidents return bas 1944-11-19
NH271 Tactical recce of S.Yugoslavia not completed owing to foul weather 1944-11-21
PT498 Offensive sweep N.W Yugo- destroyed 5 M.T 1944-11-23
MA484 Recce S.Yugoslavia bad weather 1944-11-25
PT671 From Biferno to base (Canne) wing pool 1944-11-27
PT681 Sweep S.Yugo weather bad no suitable targets seen 1944-12-03
MK444 Sweep Zagreb return early bad weather 1944-12-06
MA464 Canne to Brindisi 1944-12-08
MA464 Brindisi to kalamaki Greece 1944-12-08
MA464 From Brindisi to kalamaki 1944-12-08
MA620 Straffing mission. Straffed E.L.A.S pill boxes on Strefi hill 1944-12-10
Straffed Lycabettus hill in Athens 1944-12-11
PT617 Straffed slit trenches at Lofos Filopappou 1944-12-13
MA464 Straffed Lofos Kastéllas hill. 1944-12-14
Straffed area on Air H.Q 5 fires started 1944-12-18
NH271 Search for captured R.A.F personal. Also staffed M.G postions, slit trenches & buildings 1944-12-19
MJ992 Escort to Beaufighters engaged on straffing M.T etc at A.H.Q 1944-12-20
MA464 Destroyed 2 M.T and straffed factory 1944-12-22
MJ629 Straffing buildings in Athens 1944-12-24
MJ992 Patrolled Athens only M.T movement seen. 1944-12-26
MA464 Patrolled Athens many fires seen amongst buildings also movement of M.T 1944-12-26
PT618 Recce for guns. No sightings 1944-12-28
MH607 Patrolled line N & W of Athens Destroyed 4 M.Tand damaged one 1945-01-03
MJ835 Pa5rol of bomb line N of Athens destroyed 6 M.Tand damaged one 1945-01-03
MH607 Recce of gun positions- only road blocks seen 1945-01-03
MJ992 Offensive sweep Athens area O'Keefe failed to return 1945-01-05


Comments / Questions:

by: Justin Can't change mistakes 2024-05-22 02:07:25

Can't change any mistakes done on this site

reply: kurtis which? 2024-05-24 19:39:41

you can edit the bio, but if need to change links or serials / units, just use the contact us and we'll fix for you.

by: Justin 2024-05-26 06:26:42

It's really not a problem I just need to press the keys properly and look what I've typed.