
FEENEY, Jack Terrence


rank: F/L
status: survived
airforce: RAF    (no: 162646 )
born: United Kingdom

added by: Justin

All Images:

Bio / Text:

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Recently, we asked you what you would like to see more of - one of the things you asked for was for some posts on artefacts which the RAF College Cranwell is home to.
Flight Lieutenant Jack Terrence Feeney trained in Canada under the Empire Air Training Scheme in 1941.
He flew numerous types of aircraft throughout his career; and these included Spitfires, Walruses and Halifaxes. Serving on 73, 253 and 276 squadrons, much of Feeney’s career was spent in the Mediterranean theatre.
He unfortunately had to ditch his spitfire in 1944 but was rescued by an RAF Walrus. This therefore entitled him to become a member of the Goldfish Club; a club which was formed for members of RAF aircrew who ditched their stricken aircraft in the sea.
The rear-view mirror of the very last Spitfire which Feeney flew in April 1946 is pictured on the right. RAF College Cranwell is honoured to hold Flight Lieutenant Feeney's logbooks and other ephemera relating to his RAF service 1941-1946.
There is a small newspaper cutting in the second image - what an innovative use for the mirror!!


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1944-12-01


F/Lt Feeney joined us from 253 squadron as new flight commander. 1944-12-03
PT497 Sweep over areas in Southern Yugoslavia, no targets seen. 1944-12-04
PT617 Armed recce. Bomb Nevesinje town in Yugoslavia. 1 aircraft recived flak damage. F/Lt Feeney bombed the A.A position on the way to the taget. 1944-12-06
PT617 Weather recce S.W Yugoslavia. 1944-12-07
Half Squadron moving to Athens F/Lt Feeney included. 1944-12-08
MA484 Air test 1944-12-09
MJ835 To Brindisi from base 1400 to 1500 1944-12-18
MJ835 From Brindisi to Hassani, Greece (Kalamaki) 1045 to 1245 1944-12-19
PV120 Escort to rocket carrying Beaufighters attacking Averoff prison. Two wings demolished. 1944-12-21
MJ629 Factory strafed 1944-12-22
MJ992 Recce N. of bomb line at Piraeus. Strafed ELAS buildings & slit trenches. 1944-12-24
PT681 Patrolled Athens, no incidents. 1944-12-26
MJ835 Strafing ELAS buildings, no moments seen. 1944-12-31
PT671 Recce Thine to Lama for R.A.F. P.O.W's no sightings. 1945-01-01
Recce for ELAS. Some Infantry noticed. 2 M.T's destroyed. 1945-01-03
PV120 Airborne with P/O Gilchrist Patrolled bomb line N & W Athens. Destroyed 6 M.T's. 1945-01-03
NH271 Recce with P/O Gilchrist N. Athens, 2 M.T's destroyed. 1945-01-05
PT671 Sweep with Sgt E.J Rowe. N. Athens, destroyed 2 M.T's. 1945-01-06
PT681 Recce Elevis destroyed 1 M.T & gun position 1945-01-07
MA620 Escort armoured column, not incidents 1945-01-09
MJ835 Recce of E. coast Volos town 1945-01-11
MA464 Recce roads of Volos 2 loaded M.T's destroyed 1 damaged. 1945-01-13
MJ835 Air test 1945-01-18


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