
HOKAN, Junius Lyman Edward


rank: F/O
status: kia
airforce: RCAF    (no: J6833 )
born: 1922-03-04 St. Catharines Canada

added by: Julian Giovinazzo

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Bio / Text:

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Junius Lyman Edward Hokan was an extraordinary man of many talents. Throughout his short life, he achieved many significant victories for both Canada, other pilots, and the Allied Forces. Not only was Hokan an amazing pilot, but he was also believed to be the first of two Black Canadians in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II. Additionally, he invented a navigational device to help bombers position their locations. During his time in the air force he demonstrated to fellow pilots that Black Canadians could be capable and exceptional pilots during a time of racial discrimination. Described by British ace pilot Johnnie Johnson as “a keen and reliable leader who, with more experience, will make an excellent flight commander,” Junius Lyman Edward Hokan was an exceptional RCAF pilot. From his early beginnings in St. Catharines, Ontario, Hokan had patriotism to his country in his blood. His Hawaiian father had served in the Canadian Field Artillery during the First World War. When Hokan was 18 and as the Second World War was raging, he enlisted as a pilot for the RCAF. The officer conducting Hokan's enlistment knew he was Black but still enlisted him. Although his source of inspiration was never confirmed, Hokan was most likely enlisted to follow his father’s footsteps and support his country in the war aid. Hokan trained at many military schools throughout Canada to receive his pilot's license. As an established fighter pilot, Hokan was part of two air squadrons: No. 610 Squadron in the RAF and No. 610 Squadron also in the RAF. Sadly, in September of 1942, in extreme weather conditions, Hokan and his plane lost control in the English Channel and were never to be seen again. Today, Hokan’s legacy is remembered in many ways, such as being in the Runnymede Memorial, the Second World War Book of Remembrance, his name in the St. Catharine's roll of honour at City Hall, and being on the reredos at St. George's RAF Chapel of Remembrance in Biggin Hill.


Squadrons add
RAF No. 610 Squadron 1942-02-01
RCAF 401 Squadron 1942-10-01


P8707 1942-10-01


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