Summer Cycle Tour / Spitfire Tour Postponed
Unfortunately the 2017 summer cycle tour of the Kent Coastline and other site stopovers (Airshows/Duxford/B of B sites) will be postponed due to injury. Kurt (founder of site) says "I am unfortunately not able to cycle this summer due to upcoming surgery in July and will have to postpone this amazing trip that is dedicated to these pilots and their efforts".
"I'll either give it a try again in October of 2017, or more than likely, postpone to the summer of 2018". On the positive side, it allows the site more time to add more pilot biographies and features.
"I'll still make a decision in August about a potential late Sept / Oct visit, and I wish everyone who uses this site the best in their own health and well being" Turchan says. If anyone was planning on a meet up, or has added a number of pilots in anticipation of the trip, please get in touch with Kurt.
Check back to these blogs to a) get an update b) leave a comment or send an email RSVP'ing your interest in a pub night when the trip does happen. The more RSVPs, the better.