John Ellis joined the RAF in March 1936. After the outbreak of the Second World War he was posted to No. 610 Squadron and saw considerable action over Dunkirk during the retreat of the BEF. In July of that year he was leading the Squadron. In the second half of 1942 he was sent to Karthoum, Sudan.
In Spring 1943 he was re-stationed at Malta to lead the Krendi Wing but on June 13th he was shot down by Me 109's when escorting B24's who were going to attack Gerbini airfield. He bailed out over sea and was picked up by a German search and rescue party. He was sent to Stalag Luft III and became active in the Escape Committee as no. 2 under
Roger Bushell.
After he was liberated after the war, he remained in the RAF in various postings until he retired in February 1967. He subsequently ran a business for a time after which he retired fully.