Clement Robert Stevenson
Joined RAAF in 1941 following transfer from 54th Australian Anti Aircraft & Searchlight based in Darwin, Australia.
Basic pilot training in Australia then posted to UK.
14-04-1943 Posted to No. 3 Aircraft Delivery Unit (ferry).
25-11-1943 Posted to NWAAF AFU
10-02-1944 Posted to 43 Sqadron
Missing in action 04-05-1944 off Anzio, Italy.
Flying Spitfire IX Serial No. MJ483 at the time (had only been flying this aircraft on operations for the previous week)
From online Text at AWM (what is sad is that there is no known grave).
NAA : A705, 166/38/515
Aircraft Type: Spitfire
Serial number: MJ 483
Radio call sign:
Unit: 43 Sqn RAF
Spitfire MJ 483 of No 43 (China-British) Sqn RAF was airborne at 1208 hours on 4th
May 1944 to travel from Lago to Nettuno, Italy, a distance of about 60 miles including a
short distance over the sea. The aircraft failed to arrive at its destination. Searches failed
to find any trace of the missing aircraft or pilot.
RAAF 409330 WO Stevenson, C R (Pilot)
It was recorded in 1948 that the missing pilot had no known grave.