Arthur Edgar Brown was a pre-war member of 611 Squadron Auxiliary Air Force and had already begun his flying training before being called to full-time service on 24th August 1939.
After completing his training at 2 FTS he was posted back to 611 Squadron on 10th August 1940 but was immediately attached to 7 OTU Hawarden to convert to Spitfires.
On 6th September it was learned at 611 Squadron that Brown had been posted from 7 OTU to 234 Squadron instead of returning to 611. It would seem that he joined 234 on or about 2nd September 1940. He was posted away to 2 CFS on 12th January 1941 for an instructors course.
His subsequent service is currently undocumented until he was promoted to Flight Lieutenant on 29th October 1943.