Kenneth Henry Cox, from Kings Heath, Birmingham, joined the RAFVR about December 1937 as an Airman u/t Pilot.
He was called up on 1st September 1939 and completed his training on No. 18 Course at 11 FTS Shawbury, which ran from 31st January to 29th June 1940.
He was commissioned on 6th July and posted to 5 OTU Aston Down. After converting to Spitfires Cox joined 610 Squadron at Biggin Hill on the 27th.
On 12th August he claimed a Me109 destroyed and another probably destroyed, on the 15th probably another and on the 18th another one destroyed and also probably a Do17.
On 28th August 1940 Cox was shot down and killed in combat with Me109's over Dover. His Spitfire, P9511, hit a house at Stelling Minnis.
Cox was 24.
He was cremated at Birmingham Municipal Crematorium (Column 1) and his ashes were scattered at Old Castle Bromwich aerodrome.
Son of Henry and Beatrice Mary Cox, of King's Heath, Birmingham