Basil Douthwaite joined the RAF as a direct-entry Airman u/t Pilot about June 1936. Posted to 72 Squadron 15 October 1939. He was with 72 Squadron as a Sergeant-Pilot in May 1940. Over Dunkirk on 2nd June he shot down a Ju87 of II./StG2 which force-landed near St. Quentin.
He claimed a Me109 destroyed on 1st September.
Douthwaite was wounded over Gravesend on the 11th but managed to bring his Spitfire R6710 back to Croydon but it was a write-off.
Commissioned in September 1940, Douthwaite shared a He111 on 9th November. His subsequent service is currently unknown but he survived the war and was released from the RAF in 1945 as a Flight Lieutenant.
Battle of Britain Monument London
Men of The Battle of Britain: A Biographical Dictionary of The Few