From the National Archives AIR/27/2072 601 Squadron ORB
Three strongpoints in the FAENZA area were the only targets for the day, against these 17 aircraft were directed and 3 ½ tons of bombs were dropped to good effect. Moderate light ack-ack fire was met at all three targets and during the first mission, Spitfire P.T. 603, pilot 1671312 Sgt HODGSON, J., was hit and the pilot endeavoured to reach FORLI AIRFIELD.
When at 3,000 feet and nearing the Airfield, smoke and flames commenced pouring from the aircraft. The pilot realized that he would not make the Airfield so he baled out. After a successful descent, he landed uninjured on the edge of the FORLI AIRFIELD runway and the aircraft crashed and burnt out on the end of the runway. No-one was injured as a result of this crash; the aircraft was a complete write-off.