Service number is given as R/67906 (NCO) or J/15968 (Officer) by different sources.
Taken from acesofww2 link on right (source);
"Shorty" Reid was only five feet four and one-half inches tall and weighed 120 pounds on enlistment and was very shy. At EFTS he was described as "Excellent pilot material - aggressive, bright and keen, an energetic battler who should be excellent as a fighter pilot". He crashed a Spitfire at Hal Far, 2 July 1942 (port tire burst, wingtip dug in, aircraft overturned). He had three older brothers, plus a younger brother and sister who were twins. His mother died in 1937, his father in January 1941. Reid left his estate to his younger siblings.
Son of William Morris Reid and Maude Geraldine Reid
home in Windsor, Ontario,
Killed in action 22 July 1942
(Spitfire BR203 coded "X" during engagement with Bf.109s,
- one of which he may have shot down;
his name is on El Alamein Memorial."