Flying Officer Maurice FREEMAN (162239), R.A.F.V.R., 241 Sqn. DFC Citation
This officer has participated in a large number of sorties and has consistently displayed skill and courage of a high standard.
In January, 1945, Flying Officer Freeman was detailed for a reconnaissance, covering an enemy waterway.
During the operation the aircraft was subjected to considerable anti-aircraft fire.
Just before leaving the target his aircraft was hit. One engine was damaged. In spite of this. Flying Officer Freeman flew safely to base.
He had secured valuable information. This officer has invariably displayed the greatest resolution.
From the National Archives AIR/27/146 241 Squadron ORB
9th Jan 1945 OPERATIONS
F/O M.FREEMAN (162239) and his No.2 took off this morning on a rather special Tac/R between LAKE COMACCIO and the sea. It had been thought that the Germans had been pulling out along this small causeway and our Tac/R Section confirmed this. Unfortunately whilst flying at about 100 feet to recce a very small bridge F/O FREEMAN was hit by 20mm fire in the glycol system. He was lucky enough to bale out and make our own lines. F/O.FREEMAN's No.2 did not actually see F/O FREEMAN's parachute open so two aircraft were sent out immediately to make sure he wasn't in the sea. They came back without anything to report.
This morning the Squadron was rather shaken by the fact that Maurice Freeman's parachute had not been seen to open and he was presumed missing by everyone. However about 1230 hours F/O.FREEMAN riding in a Canadian armoured car, drove up to the Mess.
From his story his baling out was absolutely copybook except for one rather important point. Whilst falling free he spent a lot of time trying to find the ring and consequently his parachute did not open until under a thousand feet. However "Lady Luck" was again in his side as his parachute caught on trees and house roofs and lowered him very gently to the ground. An Italian woman supplied him with a pair of shoes as he had lost his flying boots during the drop, and from then on the Canadians looked after him very well.