From the National Archives AIR/27/1466 241 Squadron ORB
29th January 1945 (PT642)
On the way back A/C encountered storm centre 10/10ths base on deck, top undetermined but high, stretching from CHIOGGA to within 20 miles coast of ISTRIA and S. to CESENATICO.
Formation attempted to fly to E. of it, but due to lack of fuel leader was obliged to ask for a homing and to follow course given through cloud. After 12-14 minutes flying A/C broke cloud 10 miles E. of CESENATICO (M.9013) Red 2 (F/L R.W.HENDERSON,DFC - 128431) was missing from the formation and was seen by leader 800' above.
Red 2 did a climbing turn back into cloud and was heard by "Commander" on 'Channel D' to say that his instruments were u/s, that he was spinning and was baling out. F/L Henderson was accurately fixed 10 miles E. of CESENATICO, M.8812.
29-Jan 1945
Flt Lt
He was killed whilst flying in Spitfire IX, PT642 of No 241 Sqn, which was abandoned near Cesenatico after getting into a spin, but did not survive. He is commemorated on the Malta Memorial.
Nothing was heard from him by the rest of the formation and nothing further was seen.