CO 4 Squadron SAAF
CO 1 Squadron SAAF
CO 7 Wing SAAF
Derrick Dunbar 'Snowy' MOODIE DSO DFC
Flight June 21st 1945 DSO Citation
This officer has given extremely gallant and distinguished service in close support operations. On March 7th, 1945, he led a formation of aircraft to attack an important target, consisting of a building in close proximity to forward elements of our ground forces and situated in rugged and broken terrain. Despite heavy anti-aircraft opposition, the attack was perfectly timed and pressed home with exceptional success. The target was effectively bombed, six hits being observed. This instance is only one of several outstanding missions led by Lieutenant-Colonel Moodie. On several occasions he has led similar sorties with excellent results. He is at present engaged on his third tour of operations and has destroyed at least one enemy aircraft and damaged others.