From the National Archives AIR/27/25 2 Squadron SAAF ORB
5-Mar-45 Baled out - Joined Partisans returned 4th May 45
This, however, was paid for by the loss of one pilot, Lt.W.R.Lawrie, flying in number 4 position of Lt Wiles' formation.
The section went down to strafe 3 M.T. South West of Udine. After one run each, No.4 climbed to 7000 ft. reporting he had been hit and intended baling. He left his a/c a few miles S.W. of the scene of their attack and was seen to land safely at 4548 1/2 degrees North and 1249 1/2 East.
After landing he was seen to gather up his parachute and make off towards some buildings from whence a number of people of unknown nationality came to meet him.