John Allen Cox, the son of Francis Edward Cox, and of Mary Giles Cox, of Burwood, Victoria, Australia.
In the spring of 1943 451 Squadron was mostly operating Hurricanes but had been allocated a small number of Spitfire Vcs, some of which had been modified, for high level interceptions. On 2 April at 12:25 Cox and P/O L E Trenorden were scrambled to identify a bogey that turned out to be friendly and landed at 13:00. At 14:30 they were scrambled again to intercept a bandit. Cox lost touch, was last seen in a cloud bank and then suddenly was lost by sector 13. He was not seen again. A search was carried out by B flight and Air Sea Rescue. An oil patch was seen 18 miles north of Rosetta but no trace of him could be found.