


rank: W/O
status: survived
airforce: RAF    (no: 1330331 )
born: 1922-10-27 Sidcup United Kingdom

added by: steve groombridge

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Bio / Text:

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RAF No 1330331
Joined the RAF in November 1940 - sent to Canada to train as a Pilot - started training at 32 EFTS in Sept 1941 at Sacks Canada.

Returned to the UK in May 1942 with 61 OTU. Whilst training at 61 OTU on 20 May 1942 crash landed Spitfire X4425 - overshot Rednal runway - not injured

Joined 129 sq in August 1942 as a flt/sgt flying Spitfires - flew at Dieppe raid in August 1942 - he was just 19 years old

cinegun film of him shooting up Dieppe gun emplacement at the IWM RAF CAMERA GUN FOOTAGE - FIGHTER COMMAND see at 14:02

Transferred to 154 sq in November 1942 to participate in the invasion of North Africa (operation Torch)
154 Squadron moves to Malta in July 1943 where he flew EN199 (now in Malta air museum)
Participated in the invasion of Sicily
17 Aug 1943 completes operational duties and transferred to flight training school in Rhodesia
1946 last flew a spitfire

Started flying with eagles in June 1992 - Love to you Dad - From your ever loving sons - Roger, Steve & Justin


Squadrons add
RAF 1942-08-03
RAF 154 1942-11-30
RAF 129 1942-08-03
RAF 61OTU 1942-05-11
RAF 32EFTS 1941-01-22
RAF 33FIS 1943-10-22
RAF 567 AAC 1945-12-31
RAF 595 AAC 1946-05-30


X4425 Rednal 61 OTU Training on Spitfire - over shot runway 1942-05-20
ER635 154Sq Malta Escort 37 B17s to Catania 1943-07-04
Malta - HT-U - familiarisation flight 1943-07-06
EN199 Malta- HT-U familiarisation flight 1943-07-06
EN455 154sq- HT-R 1943-07-08
EP893 Six Spit escort to Kittyhawks bombing Messina. 1500 to 1620 1943-08-01
LZ812 Six Spit escort to Kittyhawks bombing shipping off Messina coast. 1010 to 1130 1943-08-03
MA244 154 Sq HT-R scramble E of Catania Sicily 1943-08-05
EN199 Escort to Warhawks bombing shipping S.E toe of Italy. One vessel seen to be set on fire. 1943-08-06
JK324 Six Spit escort to Mitchells bombing Randazzo. Heavy intense flak experienced between Randazzo & Cassaro. 0615 to 0715 1943-08-08
JG715 Scrambled to Adrano at 2000ft with F/Sgt Boxall. Nothing to report. 1943-08-10
JK324 Six Spit patrol area 6 miles N. of D.3568. Then escort Walrus along the coast to Capo Calavo. 1943-08-13
LZ824 Six Spit escort to Kittyhawks on anti shipping patrol. 1943-08-15
LZ893 Escort to 12 Kittyhawks anti shipping patrol in the Messina area. 1943-08-17


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