
AMBROSE, Charles Francis


rank: G/C
status: survived
airforce: RAF    (no: 42583 )
born: 1917-01-27 United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Charles Francis Ambrose was born on 27th January 1917 and joined the RAF on a short service commission in June 1939. He completed his training and arrived at 12 Group Pool on 23rd February 1940.

After converting to Hurricanes he was posted to 46 Squadron at Digby on 23rd March. On 2nd September he shot down a Me109 near Eastchurch. It crash-landed at Tile Lodge Farm, Hoath and the pilot was captured.

Two days later Ambrose was shot down by Me109's in combat over Rochford. He baled out of Hurricane P3066, unhurt. On 29th October Ambrose destroyed a Me109.

He was flying with P/O Lefevre of 46 in the early afternoon of 3rd November near Gravesend when they intercepted a Do17 of 8/KG3, which was being fired on by anti-aircraft guns. They shot the bomber down and it crashed at Bexley, with four of the crew killed and one captured. This man died of his wounds the following day.

On 30th November Ambrose had to bale out again, from Hurricane I P3429, when he was shot down in an engagement over Dungeness. In December he was awarded the DFC (gazetted 24th December 1940).

Posted away from 46 in June 1941, Ambrose went to the Middle East later in the year and served with 112 Squadron, flying Tomahawks in the Western Desert. On 5th December he probably destroyed a Fiat G50. Joined 73 squadron at AL Arab, Egypt (L.G.85) 20th October 1942 flying Hurricanes converting to Spitfire in June 1943. On the 25th August F/Lt Ambrose D.F.C (and his dog William) left to join 89 squadron (Beaufighters) at BU AMED.

Ambrose remained in the RAF after the war. He commanded 43 Squadron from March 1946 to May 1947, was awarded the AFC (gazetted 29th October 1948) and held various staff appointments in Britain and overseas.

He qualified on the Senior Officers War Course at the Royal Naval War College, was a graduate of the RAF College of Air Warfare and qualified in Staff Studies. Ambrose was made a CBE (gazetted 8th June 1968) and retired on 27th January 1972 as a Group Captain.

He died in 1986.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1942-10-01
RAF 89 1943-08-01


Arrived at 73 squadron. 1942-10-20
Spitfires arrived 1943-06-09
Flew Hurricanes before June. 1943-06-10
ER136 Practice flying 08.25 to 08.45 1943-06-11
ER136 Practice flying 08.25 to 08.45 1943-06-11
ER136 Local flying 1943-06-12
JK604 Setif to Sebala 1943-06-14
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-16
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-17
JK534 Local flying 1943-06-18
JK604 Local flying 1943-06-19
JK604 Local flying 1943-06-20
Local flying 1943-06-22
ER136 Local flying 1943-06-22
JK604 Local flying 1943-06-23
JK604 Dawn patrol east of Bizerte. 1943-06-24
JK989 Local flying 1943-06-25
JK604 Patrol Bizerte 1943-06-26
JK604 Convoy patrol off Bizerte. 1943-06-27
JK604 Dawn patrol 10 miles off Bizerte. 1943-06-29
JK781 Convoy patrol to Bizerte. 1943-07-03
JK460 Patrol of Bizerte 1943-07-05
JK604 Patrolled convoy E. of Cap Negro (Bizerte area) 1943-07-09
JK460 Aircraft test. 1943-07-09
JK604 Patrolled convoy Bizerte to Cap Bon 1943-07-11
JK604 Convoy patrol near Cap sidi ali el mekki 1943-07-12
JK767 Air test 1943-07-13
JK604 Dawn patrol of convoy near Cap Serrat. Did not locate. 1943-07-14
JK546 Dawn patrol N. of Bizerte 1943-07-24
JK190 Formation flying 1943-07-26
JK546 Sebala to Bizerte. 1943-07-30
JK604 Shipping patrol 1943-08-01
JK546 Patrolled H.S.L. 70 miles from Cap Zebib 1943-08-03
JG953 Air test 1943-08-04
JK460 Air test 1943-08-08
JK190 Air test 1943-08-09
Air test 1943-08-11
JK460 Scrambled to 20,000ft. Did not see E/A. 1943-08-16
JK892 Air test 1943-08-17
F/Lt Ambrose D.F.C leave the squadron for 89 squadron. 1943-08-25


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