73 Squadron, Royal Air Force. Country of service United Kingdom. Died 29 June 1944. Aged 25. Son of Claude Albert and Ida Gertrude Woodruff, of Eastry, Kent.
Flying Spitfire JK193
Four pilots F/O Martin, Sgt Woodruff, P/O Richie & P/O Potvin set off from Foggia at 06.30 arriving at Vis at 07.10. After refueling and bomb up leaving at 08.45 on a armed recce. Target was Sarajevo main aerodrome. Four direct hits among hangers and administrative buildings. Spits aiming at a line of 15 aircraft on the ground which included Dornier DO.215's. Four bombs dropped among the aircraft and eight aircraft were destroyed. Intense A.A was encountered and one pilot (Sgt Woodruff) was hit in the long range tank and radiator. Pilot was seen trying to bale out but chute appeared to be caught in the aircraft. Aircraft with pilot crashed and blew up.