
WELLS, Patrick Hardy Vesey


rank: F/L
status: survived
airforce: RAF    (no: 72098 )
born: 1917-03-16 Johannesburg South Africa

added by: Justin

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73 Squadron

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Squadrons add
RAF 249 1940-06-01
RAF 255 1943-09-01
RAF 73 1943-03-01


Flew hurricanes before June 1943-06-10
ES142 Local flying. 1943-06-12
ES280 Local flying. 1943-06-17
ES280 Local flying. 1943-06-20
JK527 Local, type experience. 1943-06-22
ES142 Dusk landing. 1943-06-22
Local. Experience on type. 1943-06-24
JK970 Cannon test 1943-07-03
JK161 Patrolled east of Bizerte 1943-07-06
JK888 Patrolled convoy from Rass zebib to Cap Bon. 1943-07-07
Six pilots led by F/Lt Wells flying Hurricanes proceeded to Malta for a important job. 1943-07-08
Anti searchlight patrol from Malta to Catalina Sicily. Strafing M.T's S.W Sicily. 1943-07-10
Hurricanes at Malta return to LA Sebala 2 1943-07-14
JK892 Dawn patrol east of Bizerte. 1943-07-24
JK604 Patrolled Galite island at 15,000ft 1943-08-02
JK546 Formation flying. 1943-08-12
JK892 Scrambled but bogey was friendly. 1943-08-13
JK190 Dinghy search east of Cap Bon. Did not find. 1943-08-15
JK991 Air test 1943-08-17
JK991 Convoy patrol. Could not find. Was informed not left Algiers. 1943-08-19
JK991 Patrol Bizerte but returned T/T failure. 06.15 to 06.30 1943-08-20
JK190 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-08-23
JK546 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-08-24
JK460 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-08-25
JK427 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-08-26
JK991 Dinghy search 1943-08-30
JK190 Local flying 1943-09-05
JK190 Convoy patrol W. of Zambra Island 1943-09-10
F/L Wells left the squadron posted to 255 (night) Beufighters squadron. 1943-09-14
Nil fly from 1943-09-20 to 1943-10-16 squadron move to Montecorvino, Italy. 1943-09-24


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