Twelve new pilots joined the squadron today F/Sgt C.J Edwards included. Squadron moved from Monastir on the 29th to La Sebala ll landing ground 30km from Tunis.
The beginning of June the first Spitfires started to arrive.
Today six of our pilots led by F/Lt. Wells flying Hurricanes proceeded to Malta. The detachment which was pilots & only aircrafts alone. There expecting to be away for only a few days, in which they will carry out a very important job. The other five pilots are F/Lt Mills, P/O Marsh, P/O Martain, F/Sgt Bramley & F/Sgt Edward's (all having their night rating).
Flying Hurricane HW242
Flying from Luqa in Malta on (night) intruder anti searchlight patrols of the landing area in Sicily strafing searchlights & A.A positions.
F/Sgt Edward's was the first of the missing pilots to go on patrol. After returning to Malta, circled the island and disappeared.
The night was the last night of our Hurricanes detachment operations from Malta this being the 3rd and most successful one.
Returned to Sebala ll. The pilots enjoyed their short stay at Malta and would of liked to stay much longer. Some of them met W/Cmr Selby D.S.O , D.F.C who commanded our squadron previously.
It was today that I learned that F/Sgt Edward's C.J.A who disappeared near Malta on the night of 9th has been picked up in his dinghy on the 18th. He was in a very weak condition but otherwise unharmed and was taken to 45th General hospital Malta, where he was making satisfactory progress. He had spent 9 nights in the dinghy and as his supply of drinking water had given out, he begun to loose hope of survival. He had to rationed himself to 3 sips of water and 2 Horlicks milk tablets per day and drifted to within 50 miles of the Tunisian coast before being sighted by a Baltimore, flying over to Malta at 15,000ft. A speedy rescue followed and all ended happily.