


rank: Lt
status: survived
airforce: SAAF    (no: 328716V )
born: South Africa

added by: Justin

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73 squadron

Lt T.S "Stan" Harper SAAF

Baled out Spitfire V JK893 (over the Adriatic), after being hit by flak near Drace on 11 May, 1944.

(11-05-44) at 05.10
F/O G.A Martin and Lt T.S Harper flying spit VC's were airborne on a shipping and weather recce on the Dalmatian coast. At Makarska Harbour three light surface craft were noticed. Intense light A.A fire encountered. Nothing of interest was seen at Ploca when the section was covering Druce on the Loviste peninsula, Lt Harper (a south African pilot) developed engine trouble after having been hit by A/A fire and had to bale out of his machine. The pilot landed safely in the water and was soon in a dinghy. F/O Martin who was leading the section transmitted the necessary distress R/T procedure to such an extent the rescue launch was well on its way to pick up Lt Harper before F/O Martin was due to land.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1944-04-01


MA339 Air & cannon test 1944-05-01
JK978 Air test 1944-05-02
MA424 Search for dinghy south of Hvar. Made a square search without results. 1944-05-03
EN252 search for dinghy again still no results. 1944-05-03
JK978 Air test 1944-05-04
EP965 Lt Harper providing top cover for attacks on Dalmatian coast. 1944-05-09
JK672 4 spits to Korčula and bombed Vela luka. All bombs fell in town 1944-05-10
JG893 Shipping & weather recce. At Makarska after encountered flak developed engine trouble & had to bale out. 1944-05-11
JK337 To Grottaglie 1944-05-15
JK605 Target 3 master schooners. At Čiovo no schooner seen, secondary target bridge at Omiš. All bomb fell in target area. 1944-05-17
JK605 Vis to base 1944-05-17
JK605 Air test 1944-05-19
JK383 At Livno attacked 2 lorries, 1 flamer other blew up. Damaged other small M.T's. Attacked large M.T with fuel drums. At Prozor another flamer. At Loviste saw 2 landing craft 1 set on fire. 1944-05-19
JG871 Air test 1944-05-20
JK605 To Vis to refuel 08.00 to 08.45 1944-05-21
JK605 Bombed small boat near Harbour of Ston then both pilots recced Dalmatian island before returning to Vis. 1944-05-21
JK604 Target monastery (enemy H.Q) at Ljuboski. 10/10 cloud so secondary target Harbour at Grohote. All bombs on target area. 1944-05-21
JK383 Practice bombing 1944-05-22
Air test Hurricane LZ811 1944-05-23
LZ811 Air test 1944-05-23
LZ811 Attacked aerodrome west of Bihac J.U.87, H.S126 & Macchi destroyed. Then made strafing runs. 1944-05-25
ES342 Air test 1944-05-26
JK741 Air test & cannon test 1944-05-28
MA339 To Vis 1944-05-29
MA339 Secondary roads near Drvar was about 6 M.T's & 12 light tanks. Attacked M.T's 2 smokers 4 damaged. 1944-05-29
MA339 From Vis to base 1944-05-29
ES342 From base to Vis 1944-05-30
ES342 Sweep at Padene attacked large M.T convoy many damaged one flamer. Another 12 M.T attacked, 1 flamer. 1944-05-30
ES342 Vis to base 19.00 to 19.35 1944-05-30
ES342 Shipping patrol, nothing seen. 04.55 to 06.55 1944-06-04
ES342 Patrolled south coast of Brac 17.35 to 1915 returned to base. 1944-06-04
JK191 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-05
JK191 Sweep Ston, Dunta Doli attacked M.T with fuel drums & was a flamer. AT Ormsac 1 M.T flamer. 1944-06-05
JK191 From Vis to base 1944-06-06
JL235 To Vis to refuel 1305 to 1345 1944-06-07
JL235 No.2 (Lt Harper) developed engine trouble no.1 escorted back to base. 1944-06-07
3 pilots flown down to Grottaglie in fair-Child aircraft 1944-06-08
JK509 From Grottaglie to base with new spit. 1944-06-08
EF530 Air test 1944-06-09
ES342 To Vis to refuel & bomb up. 1944-06-11
ES342 Target Benkovac, bombed & then strafed the town. 1944-06-11
ES342 Sweep of Rogoznica, Skradin no targets so Benkovac town 2nd time today. 1944-06-11
JL309 To Vis to refuel 0450 to 0540 1944-06-12
JL309 Target Dragočaj. Owing to bad weather bombed the bridge at Skradin. 4 near misses. 1944-06-12
JL309 Vis to base 1515 to 1555 1944-06-12
ER218 Target bridge at Skradin, all bombs near misses. Road S.W of bridge damaged. 1944-06-13
JK450 Base to Vis 1944-06-15
JK450 Sweep Sarajevo, Doboj areas. No targets found. 1944-06-15
JK450 Dive bombed bridge at Skradin. Bombs missed again. 1944-06-15
JK450 Base to Vis 1210 to 1300 1944-06-16
JK450 Bomb bridge at Obrovac, 2 direct hits 6 near misses. 1944-06-16
JK450 One 3 ton M.T flamer. No other targets seen.0510 to 0705 1944-06-17
ER222 Bomb town of Sucuraj. 2 of the 6 bombs were direct hits on a large building in town. 1944-06-17
JK329 Air test 1944-06-20
JK450 Escort 5 DC.3s to a airstrip controlled by the yugo-slav partisans 1944-06-21
MA345 Air test 1944-06-22
JK450 From base to Vis 1944-06-26
JK450 Sweep at Karlovac. A airfield was seen with approx 50 aircraft. Section could not resist. 8 machines destroyed & 2 damaged. To the W. a smaller drone with 2 aircraft damaged. 1944-06-26
JK450 From Vis to base 1944-06-26
JK450 Base to Vis 1325 to 1405 1944-06-27
JK450 Sweep Banjaluka area. No.2 (Lt Van Den Bergh) hit by flak. No information of pilot as yet. 1944-06-27
JL235 To Vis 1420 to 1455 1944-07-01
JL235 Sweep Knin area covering roads. Saw black smoke rising to 10,000ft near Sisak. No strafing targets seen. 1944-07-01
JL235 Vis to base 1944-07-01
JG871 To Vis to refuel 1944-07-02
JG871 Livno & Sinj no targets seen. 1944-07-02
JL235 Escort to DC.3 safety escorted and seen land 1944-07-03
JL235 Vis to base 1944-07-03
EF553 To Vis to refuel 0700 to 0740 1944-07-06
EF553 At Žepče saw train moving towards Doboj, attacked, train stopped, troops seen to leave, Loco blew up. All carriages raked with cannon & M.G fire. 1944-07-06
EF553 Vis to base 1225 to 1305 1944-07-06
EF533 Air test 1944-07-11
JK660 15 camouflaged M.T's attacked at Debelo Brdo. 3 framers, 1 smoker & 1 damaged was claimed. 1944-07-13
Vis to base. 1944-07-13
JK660 Base to Vis 0540 to 0620 1944-07-14
JK660 8 miles S. of Benkovac 10 M.T's strafed. All vehicles damaged & probably 4 destroyed. Troops seen leaving vehicles for cover. A/A fire hit 2 spits and needed to return to Vis. 1944-07-14
JK660 Vis to base 1635 to 1715 1944-07-14
MA690 Scrambled, the pilot proved friendly. 1944-07-19
JF898 To Vis 1515 to 1550 1944-07-25
MA693 Vis to base 1645 to 1725 1944-07-25
MH607 High patrol of Vis 1920 to 2020 1944-07-28
JF560 High patrol of Vis 0610 to 1725 1944-07-29
MA708 High patrol of Vis 1915 to 2015 1944-07-30
JF560 From Vis to bse 1944-08-01
ML425 From base to Vis 1944-08-05
ML425 Patrol of Vis, no incidents. 1944-08-05
ML425 From Vis, patrol of the island. 1944-08-06
ML425 From Vis patrol of the island 1944-08-09
BS511 Vis to base 1944-08-11
JK177 Practice formation flying. 1944-08-14
ML425 Air test 1944-08-18
JG878 From base to Vis 1944-09-03
JG878 Vis to base & return to Vis. 1944-09-03
JG878 Vis to base 1030 to 1100 1944-09-04
JG878 Practice formation flying 1944-09-08
MA485 Air test 1944-09-09
JK803 Practice battle formation 1944-09-09
ML425 Squadron move from Foggia main to Canne 1944-09-12
MA620 Patrolled Mostar & Sarajevo until 1500 the relieved by other fighter aircraft. 1944-10-04
NH297 To Falcanara & return 1944-10-09
MA743 Air test 1944-10-14
EN359 Sweep Japlanac, Senj & Otočac owing to 10/10 cloud unable to penetrate to Otočac. 1944-10-15
EN359 Air test 1944-10-15
NH271 Sweep in search of heavy gun positions at Ston, Opuzen. Cloud prevented observation. 1944-10-17
PT668 To Brindisi 1345 to 1500 1944-10-18
PT668 From Brindisi to Canne (base) 1944-10-19
MA743 Sweep Japlanica area. Have to return bad weather. 1944-10-19
PT681 Sweep Lokve, Delnice & Ravna gora. No Target seen. 1944-10-21
PT668 Shipping recce No.2 developer R/T trouble. Returned base. 0605 to 0615 1944-10-23
PT668 Shipping & weather recce Yugoslavia coast. 0640 to 0745 1944-10-23
MA743 Sweep Senj & Karlovac bad weather forced a return. 1944-10-25
MK444 Practice formation & cannon firing. 1944-10-29
MK444 Sweep Branje and areas, 1 tank hit, 2 M.T's damaged, 1 motorcycle damaged & gun position strafed. 1944-10-31
PT617 Air test 1944-11-01
MK444 Air test 1944-11-01
PT617 Patrolled Sarajevo at 18,000ft no E/A seen. 1944-11-07
MA743 Air test 1944-11-09
MK444 Air test 1944-11-13
MJ629 Air test 1944-11-15
PT681 Weather recce Knin & Bihać. 0620 to 0750 1944-11-16
PT618 Escort to Wellington & Liberator bombers to Sarajevo area. Intense 88mm flak bursts. 1944-11-18
PT668 From Vis esorted 7 DC aircraft to Udbina. 1944-11-20
PT668 To Vis 1944-11-20
PT671 Weather recce out to Nikšići. Landed Bari to report weather to 267 squadron. 1944-11-22
PT671 Bari to base 1345 to 1420 1944-11-22
PT617 Air test 1944-11-25
MA464 Set off to bomb Kiseljak. Bad weather conditions. Jettisoned bombs in the sea & returned to base. 1944-12-02
PT681 Sweep Nevesinje. Only 1 M.T seen, the 2 occupant of the vehicle run to a nearby house. Motor destroyed & house strafed. 1944-12-04
PT681 Sweep Zagreb. Returned early owing to bad weather. 1944-12-06
MA484 Air test 1944-12-08
Half Squadron moving to Athens today, Lt Harper stays in Canne, Italy. 1944-12-08
MH607 Air test 1944-12-09
MH607 Air test 1944-12-11
MH607 Practice flying at base. 1944-12-16
PT668 1945-01-12
PT668 Practice flying. 1945-01-12
PT668 Practice flying & cannon firing. 1945-01-16
MA408 To Prkos from base. 1025 to 1115 1945-03-13
MA408 Sweep N. from Rab Island, damaged 2 small boat & 2 schooners. 20mm flak encountered. Lt Collins hit when attacking gun positions. Baled out & picked up by PBY later. 1945-03-13
MA408 Sweep Senj & Karlovac, nothing seen 1945-03-14
JL239 Air test 1945-03-15
MA408 Air test 1945-03-15
JL239 To Prkos. 1025 to 1115 1945-03-17
JL239 Practice formation flying 1945-03-17
JL239 Base to Prkos 1005 to 1155 1945-03-18
JL239 Escort DC.3. Weather bad both Spitfires & DC.3 returned to Prkos. 1945-03-18
JL239 From. Prkos to base. 1945-03-18
JL239 Air test 1945-03-19
MJ835 To Prkos 11.30 to 1220 1945-03-20
MJ835 Bombing & strafing at Bilaj, houses hit. 1945-03-20
PT671 To Prkos 1030 to 1130 1945-03-21
MK568 Sweep Bihać, Sunja & Senj. No movements noticed. 1945-03-21
MA796 Bombing Bihać. Hits on town, results not seen. 1945-03-22
MJ835 Bombing German barracks at Gospic 1200 to 1245 1945-03-22
PT671 Swept Bihać town. North of town saw E/A convoy 250 M.T's & 2 tanks. Returned to Prkos to report the target. However it was to late in the day to return. 1630 to 1735. 1945-03-22
MK568 Weather recce over Gulf of Fiume (Rijeka) 0530 to 0715. 1945-03-23
MK568 Swept main road Gospić, Brinje, Zdenac. Nothing seen. 1945-03-23
EN135 Air test 1945-03-25
JL239 Escort DC.3 transport to Livade & return. 1945-03-26
Today we learnt the Squadron is on the move (Prkos) and a sea journey will be involved. 1945-03-28
JL239 Airborne from Prkos, returned owing to foul weather. 1945-03-29
JL239 Base to Prkos 1105 to 1155 1945-03-30
JL239 Recce Bihac, Boston Krupa. At Sisak damaged 3 M.T's. 1945-03-30
JL239 Dusk patrol Gospic to Zagreb. Saw 3 DO.17 & one Fw190. F/O Pearce destroyed one Do17. The Fw190 was damaged. 1945-03-30
MJ349 Bombed enemy barracks at Gospic. 2 direct hits 2 near misses. 0630 to 0720 1945-04-01
MJ349 Bombed Gospic, hit 3 building. No flak or movement sen. 0930 to 1100 1945-04-01
MJ349 Dusk patrol for E/A Gospi, Karlovac & Bihac areas. No sightings 1945-04-01
JL239 Lt Harper & P/O Pearce bombed Petrinja. All bombs close together in center of town. 1945-04-02
JL239 Bombed Gospic then saw two ME.109s. F/O Pearce destroyed one & Lt Harper claimed a probable. 1945-04-02
JL239 Patrolled Karlovac & Sisak for possible E/A. Nothing seen. 1945-04-03
JL239 Patrolled Karlovac, Sisak, Bihać & Gospić. No movement. 1805 to 1940 1945-04-03
MK568 Anti aircraft & weather recce, Gospić, Karlovac. No moment seen. Inaccurate flak from Ston 1945-04-07
MJ238 Shipping recce. One very small vessel entering Fiume Harbour. No other shipping seen. 1945-04-09
MK568 Strafing attacks on Freya station. Left in cloud of dust. 1945-04-14
MJ238 Weather recce 1945-04-15
JL239 Air test 1945-04-16
JL239 Air test 1945-04-16
JL239 Bomb Generalski 2 bombs fell in town, 4 on a nearby hill top. 1945-04-16
JL239 Tac/R locate crashed 73 squadron aircraft flown by P/O Letts. Was found in a wrecked condition. 1945-04-17
JL239 TAC/R Susak & Zagreb. A couple M.T's & horse draw vehicles noticed. 1945-04-18
JL239 TAC/R no movement seen owing to dense haze. 1945-04-20
JL239 Recce Pola harbour & town, no movement seen. 1945-04-21
JL239 Recce Pola harbour & town, no movement seen. 1945-04-21
PT671 TAC/R Žužemberk, Novo Mesto, Kostajnica. Manly see bridges that were destroyed or badly damaged. 1945-04-21
Some of our Canadian & S.A.A.F pilots are also beginning to leave and return to their respective countries. 1945-04-22
JL239 Provided cover for Hurricanes attacking gun positions Kastav 1945-04-23
MJ796 Air test 1945-04-24
EN135 Recce 1 loco 15 wagons bombed at Živaja, All 4 bombs near misses. Loco with 6 wagons & flak car was strafed. 1945-04-25
PT671 Escort 2 M.T.B's which were assisting over craft evacuating personnel from coast of Istria. 1945-04-25
End of World War II in Europe 1945-05-08
PT617 Air test 1945-12-05


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