
BUNDOCK, William Henry


rank: F/Sgt
status: survived
airforce: RAF
born: Colchester United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Arrived at 87 Squadron, Foggia main around the 20th July. The squadron moved to Perguia on the 23rd July.

From the memoirs of the Pilot William "Bill" Bundock, kindly shared here by his son Robert,
"It was while we were at Florence that I was coming back from a sortie, when just before coming back across the front line my engine decided to stop. We were at about ten thousand feet and because I didn’t fancy becoming a prisoner of war, didn’t bail out but decided to glide the aircraft back to our side of things. Having crossed the front line the next thing was to find a decent field in which to land. I eventually found something which looked acceptable, and came in for a wheels up landing. It seemed to go alright but just after touchdown my starboard wing hit something, the aircraft swung around and finished in a bit of a heap.
After managing to extricate myself from the wreckage, I heard some shouting and looked up to see lots of Americans waving furiously but not deigning to come anywhere near me. I couldn’t make out what they were saying at first but managed to gather that they didn’t want me to move. After a few minutes I saw several soldiers coming towards me wielding mine detectors, it then came to me why I was standing there in isolation, I was in the middle of a minefield! Anyway they eventually escorted me out of my predicament and into the clutches of an Army Medic who checked me over and finally told me that I didn’t have any broken bones. He sprinkled about a pound of Sulphanilamide powder on a small cut that I had on my hand, and I was taken back to their Company Headquarters. This all happened in the morning and I began to realise how lucky I had been. I had landed with them on Thanksgiving Day.
I was later confronted by an irate American who told me of his experiences at my hand, apparently the reason that my aircraft had slowed on landing was that my starboard wing had hit a telegraph pole, this had jerked the wires and he was up a pole doing some repairs a bit along the wire and was flung off, he suffered some bruising but was otherwise OK. I also found out that the reason my engine had stopped was that I had received a German bullet in the engine which had severed an oil line, causing the engine to seize.
The British forces were at this time existing on dehydrated meat dehydrated potatoes and dehydrated carrots for meals and ships biscuits contained in tins marked “not to be consumed after 1933”. The Americans were looked after slightly better, so the lunch I was offered consisted of roast turkey, fresh vegetables and fresh white bread, the like of which we hadn’t seen since the war started. Apparently the American people had sent over to Italy two liberty ships fully loaded with food for their Thanksgiving Day celebrations. After I had eaten my fill, I was whisked away to 5th Army Headquarters because their Intelligence corps wanted to talk to me. Having had a chat with them I was led to their Mess where I found out that they were having their special meal in the evening, so I finished up rather full and was put to bed to sleep it off.
I was driven back to the Squadron the next day and having related my experiences to the rest of the pilots they were all resolved to force land with the Americans the next day."


Squadrons add
RAF 87 1944-07-01


Foggia main to Perugia one squadron move. 1944-07-23
Sector recce 1944-07-24
JG778 Escorted 12 Marauders to bombing Santarcangelo. Bombing carried out from 15000ft. Heavy A.A from target area. 1944-07-25
JG776 Shilling recce, in Po estuary 3 barges attacked with Cannon & M/G 1944-07-26
JK885 Escort 12 Marauders of 24 squadron SAAF attacking rail/river bridge at Reno. Hits were observed S. end and approaches. 1944-08-02
JK837 Escort 12 Marauders attack bridge at Cavarzere. Bridge being completely demolished. 1944-08-04
JK431 Rimini to Raugnna areas, to await bomber escort mission. R/T instructions divided to Po estuary where Marauder formation was being attacked by 18 plus M.E.109's. Arrived at location & saw Marauders pass below unmolest 1944-08-08
JK431 Escort to 12 Marauders attacking road/rail bridge at Rovigo. Bombed from 10,000ft, no hit observed. 1944-08-08
JK781 4 Spits carrying 500lb bombs 2 spits covering attacked rail/river bridge 5 miles N.W of Rimini. Leaders bomb fell on tracks at station to the north. 1944-08-13
JK715 Bomb a suspected petrol dump N.W of Forli. Airborne from Perugia, at target 4 hits were sorted in the target area. 1944-08-16
JG778 Escort 11 Marauders attack railway bridge at Rovigo. Bombed at 12,000ft Cloud base 7/10 bombs fell of target. 1944-08-17
ER675 Attack rail/road bridge at Gatteo. Bombs fell S. & N. of bridge. 1944-08-19
JK781 Escort 12 Kittyhawks bombing bridges at Bologna. Bombs seen to overshoot target 1944-08-22
MA478 Recived instructions to bomb gun emplacement on ROVER JIMMY grid but did not hold the maps by this squadron. Bombing was carried out by 601 squadron. 1944-09-01
EN578 No target was given by ROVER JIMMY so secondary target rail/road bridge at R.765965 was bombed. 2x500lb fell 5 yards from either end 1944-09-04
MH902 Attack if considered a good target. Over Po estuary 10/10 clouds & rain. Not locate barges reported. No targets of importants seen. 1944-09-06
MH833 Attack enemy troops at Montescudo. Target forward slopes of a valley with trees & bushes. All bombs fell within the pinpointed area. 1944-09-13
MH833 Airborne from Fano & await instructions from ROVER DAVID. Recived taget 2 M/G posts in 2 houses. 2 leaders holding Rover grid maps tried to explain to the section with no luck. Marauders flattened the entire area just after. 1944-09-14
MH902 ROVER PADDY contact made, six tanks on road to San Marino. Good intelligence given to tanks locations. Two claimed as damaged. 1944-09-15
MJ282 Airborne from Borghetto Attack 2 guns at R.746885. 9/10 cumulus over target. Secondary target road bridge, all bombs missed. 1944-09-17
MH357 Target two medium guns. No contact made with ROVERS. Bombed bridge R.772891 over Marecchia river. 1944-09-19
PT372 ROVER directed to target W. of Rimini. Bombing from 8500 to 1000ft. Rail bridge completely destroyed. 1944-09-22
PT492 Bomb road bridge across Savio river. Accurate bombing. Many M.T's strafed. 1944-09-23
PT372 Attack four 88mmguns reported at M66770570. Targets in farmhouses. 2 direct hits on targets. Intense AA fire. 1944-09-24
PT372 Patrol & await instructions from ROVER PADDY. Target 2 emplacement. Accurate AA & W/O White hit & forced landed at Rimini aerodrome. 1944-09-25
No operations or other flying. (Rain) 26th to 30th 1944-09-26
NH184 Attack 4 medium guns at Fano. Flak from target area. Bombs fell within target area. 1944-10-04
MH833 Patroll bomb line for 10 minutes to observe any enemy artillery & attack it. Secondary target gun position at Cesena. 10/10 clouds S. of Rimini, bomb jettisoned & returned to base. 1944-10-10
PT372 ROVER PADDY directed a/c to enemy stronghold in Church. Saw target was bearing red crosses & reported it. Target confirmed & attacked. Strafing in dive 3x500's fell within 10 yards. 1944-10-13
MH735 Cut railway between Lavezzola & Ravenna. 2 direct hits. 1944-10-14
PT372 Attack 2 guns at M562068. 2x500's direct hits 1x500 fell on large house. 1944-10-15
PT372 Attack 4x88mm guns. ROVER FRANK directed to Nebelwerfer positions at farmhouse. 2 direct hits, black smoke from target & house on fire. 1944-10-19
PT372 Airborne from Rimini attack Nebelwerfer around a house. R/T interference, leader attack the wrong house and section followed. P/O Jesson attack the correct target. 1944-10-20
MH735 Strafing area highway 9 to Bologna. No movement seen on any of the roads. 1944-10-21
PT372 Attack 2 guns at M.581216 guns reported in farmhouse. Target seen but no guns. Near misses 1944-10-24
PT372 ROVER PADDY ordered to attack enemy O.P established in a tower at Forli aerodrome. Bombing run 7500ft down to 1000ft. 1×500 direct hit, 2x500 fell in hanger. 1944-11-06
MJ512 Bomb railway line at between Budrio & Molinella. Owing to weather couldn't find. Bombed two small canal bridges, one direct hit. 1944-11-06
PT372 Airborne from Fano to attack Rono village. 1x500 direct hit on house, 3x500 in target area. 1944-11-07
PT547 Airborne from Florence to bomb railway. Haze & mist 20 miles N. of base, 10/10 clouds. Returned to base. 1944-11-19
PT547 Attack 5 Nebelwerfer positions. Target clearly seen & bombed. Strafing in dive. Accurate A.A encountered. PT547 returned with wrinkled mainframe. 1944-11-21
PT839 Target emplacements in the battle area. Accurate flak encountered F/Sgt Bundock hit forced landed south of Loiano. 1944-11-22
PT550 Attack gun L.977408. Airborne from Florence. Two large objects under camouflage positions believe to me guns, bombing and strafing carried out. 1944-12-15
PT790 Attacked guns at L787385. Identified 4 guns camouflaged. 1x500 fell between 2 pits. 1944-12-22
PT550 Attack occupied building. Bombs wide. All buildings strafed & M/G fired 1944-12-27
EN268 Attack road bridge P919245. Two creates at either end of bridge. 1944-12-28


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