


rank: F/Sgt
status: survived
airforce: RAF    (no: 1620793 )
born: United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Joined 73 squadron from 110 R.S.U ( Repair & Salvage Unit)

1922 to 2000, age 77

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Squadrons add
RAF 73 1944-05-01


JK337 Airborne on practice flying. Then ordered to search for dinghy off Manfredonia, not found. 1944-05-04
JK530 Sector recce 1450 - 1555 1944-05-06
JK307 Sector recce & Cannon test 1944-05-07
JK605 Air & Cannon test 1944-05-10
EP965 Four Spit recce of Brač, low cloud & poor visibility prevented a thorough search. 1944-05-12
JK307 Air test 1944-05-14
Shipping recce, nothing seen. 1944-05-15
EF530 Escort to four hurricanes from 6 squadron who were to attack a schooner. Last seen schooner going down by stern. 1944-05-16
EF530 4 Spits up approaching Vis received vectors for bogey preceeding to Lagosta then recalled to Vis 1944-05-25
EF530 4 Spits attacked aerodrome west of Bihac J.U.87, P/O Martin shot downH.S126 that was circling. Macchi destroyed. Then made strafing runs 1944-05-25
EF530 From Vis to renew attack on aerodrome. Strafed all aircraft on the ground. One J.U.87 a flamer 3 other aircraft damaged. Attacked 30 MT's on 3 damaged owing to sheltered position. 1944-05-25
JG871 To Vis to refuel 0450 - 0545 1944-06-04
JG871 Standing Patrol of Brač with W/O Horn covering the withdrawal of commando & Partisan troops from the island. 0915 to 1110 1944-06-04
JG871 Patrol Brač with W/O Horn 1530 - 1645 1944-06-04
JG871 From Vis to base 1950 - 2030 1944-06-04
Three pilots were flown down to Grottaglie by P/O Hampton in the Fair-child aircraft. 1100 - 1330 1944-06-08
JG877 From Grottaglie to base with new Spitfire 1400 -1440 1944-06-08
ES347 To Vis to refuel 0500 - 0540 1944-06-09
BR351 Escort to four D.C.3 with VIP passengers from Sv Andrija to Bos Grohovo & return. 1944-06-09
ER666 From Vis to base 1200 - 1250 1944-06-09
EF530 Vis to refuel 0500 - 0540 1944-06-10
EF530 Escort Hurricanes of 6 squadron cover given to and from target. 1944-06-10
JL235 To Grottaglie 1020 - 1110 1944-06-17
JK329 From Grottaglie 1335 - 1445 1944-06-17
JK329 Air test 1944-06-19
JK519 Air test 1944-06-21
JK450 Air test 1944-06-25
ER550 Local flying 1944-07-08
JK519 Air test 1944-07-10
JL235 Base to Vis 1944-07-10
JL235 Sweep with 2 a/c from B flight. No targets seen weather very bad. 1944-07-10
JL235 Base to Vis 1200 - 1240 1944-07-15
JL235 Sweep or four areas no movement or targets seen. 1944-07-15
Local flying & formation practice 1944-07-17
MA690 Local flying & formation practice 1944-07-18
EP617 Scrambled with Sgt Osman then order to return to base. 1900 - 1925 1944-07-21
JK803 Practice flying & formation 1944-07-22
JK803 Amendola to base 1620 - 1640 1944-07-23
JK330 To Vis with P/O Ritchie, on way out was recalled 0635 - 0700 1944-07-24
MA693 High patrol of Vis with Lt Harper 1920 - 2020 1944-07-28
MA693 High patrol of Vis with Lt Harper 0610 - 0725 1944-07-29
JL254 High patrol of Vis with Lt Harper 1915 - 2015 1944-07-30
MA514 From Vis to base 1635 - 1715 1944-08-01
BS511 Base to Vis 1035 - 1115 1944-08-05
BS511 Patrolled Vis with Lt Harper 1755 - 1855 1944-08-05
BS511 Airborne from Vis with Lt Harper patrol of the island. 1225 - 1325 1944-08-06
BS511 Patrol Vis with Lt Harper 1330 - 1500 1944-08-07
BS511 From Vis patrol of the island with Lt Harper 1515 - 1555 1944-08-08
BS511 Patrol Vis 1944-08-09
BS511 Four Spits up led by F/O Martin hunting ground Dalmatians but was only able to reach as far as Brač owing to weather. 1944-08-12
PT497 Air test 1944-10-08
PT498 Shipping recce with F/O Chumak, weather 45 miles out developing into 10//10 clouds. Returned to base. 0605 - 0735 1944-10-09
PT681 4 Spit sweep Zagreb areas. At Zaprešić four loco's seen and attacked. Intense flak at least 20 flak cars. 1944-10-12
PT497 Sweep Jablanac, Senj & Otočac owing to 10/10 cloud unable to penetrate to Otočac. 1944-10-15
MA743 3 Spit sweep in search of heavy gun positions at Ston, Opuzen. Cloud prevented observation. 1944-10-17
PT498 Air test 1944-10-17
NH271 To Brindisi 1345 - 1500 1944-10-18
NH271 Brindisi to base 0900 - 1025 1944-10-19
PT498 4 Spit sweep of Lokve & Delnice area. Nothing seen. 0600 - 0840 1944-10-21
PT498 Airborne with Lt Harper shipping recce 1115 - 1200 1944-10-23
PT668 Practice formation & can non firing 1944-10-29
Airborne on weather recce with F/Lt Kirker 1944-10-31


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