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249 Squadron
1945-07-31 DFCBar
This officer has participated in a large number of varied sorties. Many of his attacks have been made in adverse weather and over difficult terrain. Nevertheless he has consistently pressed home his attacks with accuracy and determination. In ApriJ, 1945, Flight Lieutenant Younie led a section of aircraft in an. attack on an island observation post. Despite poor visibility, he located the post and after obtaining hits with his bombs, he remained over the target assisting the other pilots. On numerous occasions he has led his squadron in attacks against enemy mechanical transport and locomotives inflicting much damage despite intense opposition. Flight Lieutenant Younie has consistently displayed a high standard of keenness and courage and has set a fine example of devotion to duty. London Gazette No. 37202, Dated 1945-07-31
Flight Lieutenant John Younie D.F.C. and Bar
Born: February 20th 1921 at Kippen, near Stirling.
Died: April 8th 2012 Age 91.