
WIGGLESWORTH, Kenneth Albert


rank: S/L
status: survived
airforce: RAF    (no: 119876 )
born: United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Served in 3 squadron

Posted to 32 squadron from B.P.D while on attachment to Practice flight.

1943-10-20 DFC Actg Flt Lt Kenneth Albert WIGGLESWORTH (119876) 32 Sqdn
Notification Only London Gazette No. 36226, Dated 1943-10-26

Date of Death 1944-09-13

Aircraft Accident.
Aircraft Name: Tempest V JN818 Date of Crash: 13 Sep 44 Unit 32 Sqdn Airfield /Crash Location , Netherlands
Burial/Commemoration Details : Allied Plot. Row 4. Grave 90. at The Hague (Westduin) General C, Netherland
119876 Flight Lieutenant

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Squadrons add
RAF 32 1943-02-01


Two Spitfires allotted to the squadron today in order to provide section capable of catching the high flying German recce planes. 1943-04-01
Proceeded by air on attachment to 152 Squadron 1943-04-11
Only flew Hurricanes before this date 1943-06-26
JK342 Scrambled with F/Sgt W.J Sherman, no contact made. 1943-06-27
EN552 Scrambled with F/Sgt R.W Dunn, recalled by ops 2035 - 2045 1943-06-28
(HW248) patrolled Bone harbour with F/O M.J Mycroft 1943-06-29
JK447 Patrolled convoy with F/O W.Raybould 1943-07-07
HW755 patrolled Naval convoy with P/O R.W.Dunn 1943-07-08
JK548 Patrolled convoy 1943-07-09
(HW248) High cover over Naval convoy with P/O R.W.Dunn 1943-07-11
JK805 High cover over Naval convoy with F/O B.L.Hunter 1943-07-12
JK472 Scrambled with Sgt A.Pearce, not contact made. 1210 - 1250 1943-07-15
JK713 4 Spit scramble, no contact. 1430 - 1445 1943-07-21
JK548 6 Spits on a diversional sweep near Sardinia coast to cover Catalina on A.S.R 1943-08-02
JK548 6 Spits on diversional sweep near Sardinia coast to cover Catalina on A.S.R. 1440 - 1600 1943-08-02
F/Lt Wigglesworth left the squadron for Algiers today, on route to the U.K 1943-08-05


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