
GREEN, Trevor William


rank: F/Sgt
status: kifa
airforce: RAF    (no: 1580147 )
born: United Kingdom

added by: Justin

All Images:

Bio / Text:

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Joined 32 Squadron 25th April 1944


Squadrons add
RAF 32 1944-04-01


MA640 Patrol Tremiti islands with F/O H.Miller 1820 - 1935 1944-06-01
MA712 Escort to Hurricanes with F/Lt Gervias 0805 - 0825 1944-06-02
MA712 Escort Reggiane's (Italian bombers) bombing bridge at Skradin. The bombs misses their target by 200/300 yards. Moderate flak encountered. 1000 - 1205 1944-06-02
MA693 Scrambled with F/Ft Gervais, bogey at 10,000ft turned friendly 1330 - 1335 1944-06-03
MA693 Scrambled with F/Lt Gervais, sighted e/a but unable to close 1830 - 1950 1944-06-03
JL325 Airborne with F/Lt Gervais escort DC.3's to Vis & return, picking up casualties 0640 - 0740 1944-06-04
JL325 Return from Vis with DC.3's 1140 - 1230 1944-06-04
News was received of the fall of Rome. It caused intense jubilation among the civilian population of Foggia 1944-06-04
JL325 Escort Catalina (PBY) with F/Lt Gervias on A.S.R. search 0810 - 1040 1944-06-06
MA424 Patrol Vieste with F/Lt H.Miller 1815 - 1935 1944-06-09
JL123 4 VC Spits carried out sweep to Bos Nova, no targets seen, flak encountered over Sinj 1944-06-10
MA424 Patrolled Bari to Barletta with F/Lt Gervais 1315 - 1440 1944-06-11
MA640 Patrol of Dalmatian coast islands with F/O Johnston 0445 - 0640 1944-06-12
MA640 Scrambled with F/O Johnston, plot turn friendly 1200 - 1230 1944-06-12
MA693 Scrambled with F/Lt Johnston, no contact made 1415 - 1535 1944-06-13
JL254 Patrolled Vis with F/Lt Johnston, returned to base 2000 - 2050 1944-06-13
JK759 3 Spit road sweep Prijedor to Sinj. 0840 - 0920 1944-06-15
JK759 3 Spit road sweep Prijedor area. 1000 - 1210 1944-06-15
JK340 Foggia to Vis for operations 0805 - 0845 1944-06-17
JK759 4 Spit road sweep in Sarajevo area, uneventful 0945 - 1145 1944-06-17
EE664 4 spit sweep of Prejepolje area. F/Lt Johnston (JK340) returned early with boost trouble he crashed on landing at Amandola airfield. 1944-06-22
EN578 Scrambled from Vis with F/Lt H.Miller plot 80 miles N.W of Vis, no contact. 1944-06-22
EE664 To Vis for operations 0950 - 1050 1944-06-26
EN578 Patrol of Tremiti with F/Lt Gervais 0845 - 2010 1944-06-26
MA650 Patrol with F/Lt Gervais, landing at Penna point 0650 - 0930 1944-06-30
MH359 Patrolled Penna point with F/Lt Gervais 1900 - 2030 1944-07-01
MA650 4 Spits to Grottaglie for sweep 0830 - 0910 1944-07-02
MA650 4 Spit sweep of Koritza area. One truck shot up, 40 & 88mm flak encountered Sgt Port made a wheels up landing at base u/c jammed. 1944-07-02
MA332 4 Spit patrol Vieste 1944-07-03
MA650 Patrol Vieste with F/O Johnston 0600 - 7030 1944-07-04
MA650 Scrambled with F/O Johnston, plot faded 1015 - 1035 1944-07-04
MA650 Scrambled with F/Lt Quine, plot turned friendly 1015 - 1035 1944-07-05
MA650 Airborne with F/O Johnston to shot down drifting barrage balloon, duty carried out. 1715 - 1735 1944-07-05
JK546 Patrolled Tremiti with F/O Johnston 1840 - 2005 1944-07-06
MA650 Patrolled Tremiti with F/O Johnston 0600 - 0740 1944-07-11
ES362 Canne to Vis 1205 - 1300 1944-07-16
ES362 4 Spits scort 6 DC.3's to Yugoslavia 1355 - 1625 1944-07-16
MA345 4 Spits bombed Korcula town, all bombs burst in the target area. 1944-07-20
ES362 Airborne with F/Sgt Rignell to bomb Gospic but low cloud prevented bombing, so bombed Ovac instead. All bursts in town. 1944-07-24
JL235 To Vis 1600 - 1645 1944-07-30
JL235 From Vis shipping recce with W/O R.Lamb, nothing to report 0615 - 0710 1944-07-31
JL235 Vis to base 0815 - 0915 1944-07-31
JG871 Canne to Vis 1530 - 1610 1944-08-01
JG871 From Vis with W/O Lamb , combined operations. Sweep Korcula town for flak. 0730 - 0925 1944-08-02
JG871 From Vis with W/O Lamb, swept Korcula for flak. 1030 - 1230 1944-08-02
JG871 4 Spits dropped can of films on Dugi Island. 1455 - 1635 1944-08-02
JG871 Base to Vis 0650 - 0745 1944-08-04
JG871 4 Spits bombed Dogoj rail & river junction and strafing of the roads Banja, Luka, Dogoj. In all 4 trains were attacked. Severe concentration of flak in places 88mm & 40mm 0900 - 1045 1944-08-04
JG871 From Vis to base 1145 - 1225 1944-08-04
JG871 4 Spits took off from Vis but returned owing to bad weather. 1720 - 1845 1944-08-06
MA698 4 Spits bombed Rogoznica from about 6,000ft, 2 bombs in town, 2 on outskirts, 2 in sea. 1944-08-08
MA698 4 Spits bombed Udbina, 6 bombs near buildings which were damaged. Went down & strafed. No flak 1944-08-14
Detachment left for a week to Leverano near Lecce in the heel of Italy. 8 a/c flew down, "B" flight left by road. 1944-08-20
MA698 4 Spits to bomb & strafe reported M.T convoy near Metsovo but only a few trucks were seen so bombed bridge S.2055 1944-09-06
Operation Manna 1944-10-12
JL127 Operating Manna patrolling shipping convoys. Engine cut ditched off Corinth, Sgt Green killed. 1944-10-15


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