
BREMNER, Frank Cecil


rank: F/L
status: kia
airforce: RCAF    (no: J16540 )
born: Canada

added by: kurtis

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Bio / Text:

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BREMNER, Frank Cecil

Born Toronto, 1 December 1921. Enlisted there 20-12-40.

No.3 ITS, 22-4-41 to 28-5-41 "Quiet, serious type, always interested in flying. Very patriotic. Father in RAF last war - anxious to serve, young and unexperienced by solid type."

No.4 EFTS, 28-5-41 to 15-7-41.

Graduated 9 SFTS, Summerside, 25-9-41, 26th in a class of 53.

Embarked Canada, 12-11-41

TOS 3 PRC, 23-11-41
TOS 55 OTU, 9-12-41
TOS 4 PRC, 17-3-42
To Middle East, 22 March 1942
TOS Takoradi, 20 April 1942.
TOS 94 Squadron, 16 August 1942
Commissioned 11-12-42; F/O 11-6-43; F/L 10-5-44.
Attached No.3 RSU, 15 May 1943
TOS No.73 Squadron, 29 May 1943.

18-10-43 - Montecorvino - operational (change of landing ground) - 1710 hours - Spitfire JG953 - 38 hours on type - "I approached the runway with an IAS of 105. When about 40-50 feet and 100 yards short of runway I cut what throttle I had and glided the aircraft; touched down in the tail-up attitude, running approximately half the length of runway before settling in a three point position. I then applied full brake but due to the wet condition of the wire mesh runway they were not fully effective. The aircraft ran off the end of the runway at about 15 mph. I attempted to swing the aircraft to port to avoid a shallow ditch when the starboard oleo leg collapsed, damaging starboard wing." Of this, S/L E.L. Joyce attributed it to:

(a) Pilot's refusal to go around again when obviously overshooting sole cause of accident.
(b) Pilot had never landed on metal strips before, and found his brakes would not hold, as the strips were wet. Runway 1,160 yards log.

(c) Though there is no excuse for the accident I am sorry to see it happen to a pilot of Bremner's caliber. Have grounded Bremner for fourteen days, to become effective when the remainder of the pilots arrive by sea.

28-2-44 - Foggia - 1250 hours - Spitfire JK970 at which time he had 91 hours on type, 571 hours on all. "On return to base from an operational flight over Yugoslavia, there was a ninety-degree cross wind blowing from the west at 18/20 mph. I landed and was traveling down the runway in the three point position when the aircraft struck a wet muddy strip half way down the runway. Owing to the slippery state of the runway, my brakes were practically ineffective and the aircraft started to weather-cock in spite of all efforts to counteract the swing. This resulted in the undercarriage collapsing, causing damage to the starboard mainplane and propellor. I am quite convinced that had the aircraft not struck a wet patch, the accident would not have occurred." Airframe "B", engine "U"

No blame attached to him. Runway condition poor given that B-17s had been using it for two weeks. Request made to install an east-west runway.

KIA 26-6-44 - One of three Spitfires strafing airfield; not seen after attack (may have made a second or third run) - shot down by flak. Karlovac Zagreb area

His brother, David Alexander Bremner (born 26-12-19) had enlisted 20-8-40
Wings at 2 SFTS, 10-4-41 - Sergeant.
To 53 OTU, 27-5-41
To 61 OTU, 28-6-41
To 131 Squadron, 14-7-41
KFA, Spitfire 23-10-41


Squadrons add
RAF 73
RAF 73 1943-05-01
RAF 94 1942-08-01


ER136 Experience on type (Spitfire) Flew Hurricane llc before this date 1943-07-10
JK604 Local flying 1943-07-11
JL161 Cape Bon to Sebala 1943-07-12
JK767 Local flying 1943-07-13
JK767 Local flying 1943-07-13
JK892 Local flying 1943-07-14
JK604 Local flying 1943-07-16
JL161 Dusk landings 1943-07-16
JK460 Local flying 1943-07-18
JK604 Patrolled convoy west of Bizerte 1943-07-19
JG953 Dawn patrol of Bizerte at 15000ft 1943-07-21
JK892 Dawn patrol north of Bizerte 1943-07-23
JG953 Dusk patrol north of Bizerte 1943-07-24
JK190 Shipping patrol noth of Bon did not locate 1943-07-29
JG953 Pratice scramble 1943-07-31
JG953 Patrol 6 miles N.E Galite island 1943-08-06
JG953 Formation flying 1943-08-07
JK991 Patrolled convoy Cape Negro to Cape Serrat 1943-08-09
JK604 Shadow firing 1943-08-11
JK460 Shadow firing 1943-08-11
JK991 Air test 1943-08-16
JK190 Flying practice 1943-08-18
JG953 Convoy patrol west of Bizerte 1943-08-19
JG953 A.A co-op 1943-08-22
Patrolled Bizerte at 25000 ft 1943-08-22
JG953 Scrambled 25000ft over Bizerte 1943-08-22
JG953 Patrolled Bizerte at 25000 ft 1943-08-25
JK991 Patrolled 30 miles north of Bizerte 1943-08-26
JG953 Formation practice 1943-08-30
JK460 Patrolled convoy off Cape Bon 1943-08-30
JG953 Practice flying 1943-09-02
JG953 Scrambled no incidents 1943-09-02
JK190 Sebala (Algeria) to Kaiouan (Tunisia) formation flying and return 1943-09-04
JK392 Patrol Cape bon to Monastir 1943-09-05
JG953 Convoy Patrol east of cape Bon 1943-09-07
JG953 Patrol Sebala 1943-09-08
JG953 Convoy patrol off Cape Bon 1943-09-08
JG953 Formation flying 1943-09-18
JL138 Shadow firing 1943-09-18
JG953 Escort for air sea rescue aircraft 1943-09-18
No flying waiting instructionsto move 1943-09-20
JG953 Selerno to catania 1943-10-18
JG953 Squadron move catania to montecorvino P/O Breamer crashed on land. 1943-10-18
JK190 Shipping patrol in Salerno area 1943-10-20
JK460 Patrol 23000ft over Naples 1943-10-21
JK460 Shipping patrol Salerno area 1943-10-23
JK546 Patrol 23000 ft over Naples 1943-10-23
JK190 Shipping patrol Salerno area 1943-10-24
JK190 Convoy patrol point Licosa - Capri 1943-10-26
MA641 Patrol over Naples 23000ft 1943-10-27
JK392 Submarine recce in Salerno area 1943-10-29
JG953 Naples patrol 1943-11-14
JG953 Shipping patrol of convoy 12 miled south of capri 1943-11-20
JK892 Naples patrol 1943-11-22
JG953 Montecorvino to Foggia (main) one squadron move 1943-12-02
JG953 Sector recce 1943-12-05
JK190 Local flying 1943-12-07
JG953 Foggia to Bari 1943-12-14
JG953 Escort for DC from Bari to Termoli 1943-12-14
MA226 Air test 1943-12-17
JG953 Pratice Formation Flying 1943-12-23
JG953 Practice formation flying 1943-12-24
JK709 Sweep over Vis and neighbour islands 1944-01-11
JK546 Formation flying & gun tests 1944-01-12
JK892 Local flying 1944-01-14
JK892 Search for Liberater region of Niget island no trace found 1944-01-14
Scrambled on course 100º receiving various vectors. Saw nothing 1944-01-17
MA630 Scrambled on course 100º receiving various vectors see nothing. 1944-01-17
JK970 Practice flying 1944-01-19
MA311 Scrambled to intercept bogey which proved friendly 1944-01-25
JK709 From Salsola to base 1944-01-26
MA633 Scrambled on course 335º bogey was friendly 1944-01-28
JK709 Airborne to patrol convoy "WELTER" but couldn't locate 1944-01-31
JK991 Sweep Dalmatian coast attacked two stationery trains at Poljica. Pilot F/LT. C.J Hayne fail to return 1944-02-03
JK991 Sweep Dalmatian coast attacked two stationery trains at Poljica. Pilot F/LT. C.J Hayne fail to return 1944-02-03
MA630 Scrambled on course 040º after 20 minutes ordered to return 1944-02-07
JL226 Escort 1944-02-21
JK546 Patrol Split straffed many trucks 4 destroyed 1944-02-22
JK546 Sweep of Vis, Gronote harbour. 1944-02-23
JL226 Scrambled course 070º. Later reported F/O A.R Morris crashed and Killed LZ838 1944-02-23
MA630 Recce saw large ship at Solin 1944-02-24
Wrong month on some should of been March 1944-02-24
Recce at Velaluka harbour no shipping seen 1944-02-25
MA630 Recce at Velaluka no shipping seen 1944-02-25
JK970 At Gruba station attacked loco and at least 200 troops leaving wagons 1944-02-28
JL226 Scrambled course 070º. Later reported F/O A.R Morris crashed and Killed LZ838 1944-03-23
ER178 Search for dinghy course 043º 1944-03-24
ER178 search for dinghy course 040º 1944-03-24
MA311 Attacked truck south of Neum a flamer. Attacked another east Dunta Doli also flamer 1944-03-29
EF630 Dalmatian coast straffed lorry a flamer. Hit a staff car also light armored tank and about 25 soldiers. At Vitina F/Lt B.A Clarke baled out chute not open. 1944-04-02
JK991 Air test 1944-04-02
JK866 Air test 1944-04-03
EF630 Search channel no sign of any shipping 1944-04-03
JL226 Scrambled after bogey but ordered back to base 1944-04-04
MH359 Sweep of Vis. At base weather deteriorating at base so diverted to Madna 1944-04-05
MH359 From Madna to base 1944-04-06
JK338 Air & cannon test 1944-04-07
MH359 Air test 1944-04-08
MH359 Scrambled course 040º 1944-04-12
MA633 Patrol of Vis 1944-04-14
JL350 Shipping recce out 044º Malostonski N.W along coast to Duba acrossed to Raciste attacked targets Lumbarda 1944-04-15
JL350 Shipping recce out 044º Malostonski N.W along coast to Duba acrossed to Raciste attacked targets Lumbarda 1944-04-15
JK672 Bombing attack of Ston & barge inlet Doli cove 1944-04-18
MH359 Bombing & straffing mission off w.point of Mijet. 1944-04-19
EF630 Reece Dalmatian coast. Saw vessel1000 tons 1944-04-21
JK337 Bombing of vessel. Missed 5 yds sten of ship 1944-04-23
MA640 Patrol Vis 1944-04-24
LZ815 Air test 1944-05-01
JK446 At Ploca saw 100ft schooner bombing run at 1500ft four near misses 1944-05-02
EF652 6 Spit sweep at Ploča saw 100ft schooner, bombing run at 1500ft four near misses. 1230 - 1415 1944-05-02
MA339 3 Spits bombed shipping at Ploča, all bombs fell at least 200 yards wide of target 1810 - 1955 1944-05-02
EF652 search for dinghy in Korculanski channel 1944-05-03
EP965 Recce at position G.9007 Target bombed hits observed 1944-05-04
EP965 Pratice flying 1944-05-05
JK672 Target hotel Riviera, Orebic 10/10 cloud at Pelagosa all bombs jettisoned East of Korcula. 1944-05-06
EP965 Target Seibel ferries reported in Raciste harbour. No shipping sightes. Secondary target hotel Riviera Orebic four direct hits. 1944-05-08
JK307 Target crossroads Grohote. Attacked Seibel ferry in Grohote harbour was left ablaze. 1944-05-09
ES142 Recce Ciovo with main target launch attacked both were wrecks. To Loviste bombed lighthouse area. 1944-05-10
MA339 Air test 1944-05-14
JL393 Escort to four hurricanes who were to attack schooner. Last seen schooner going down by stern 1944-05-16
JL383 Bombed bridge at Omis 1944-05-17
JL393 From Amendola to base 1944-05-18
EF530 Air test 1944-05-19
EF530 Landed Vis refuelled. Attacked, Livno, Loviste two landing craft 1944-05-19
EF530 Refuelled Vis and returned to Loviste 2nd landing craft ablaze. 1944-05-19
EF530 Vis to refuel 1944-05-21
EF530 Attacked 30ft boat south of Ston 1944-05-21
EF530 Attacked harbour of Grohote all bombs fell in target area 1944-05-21
MA339 Approaching Vis received vectors for bogey preceeding to Lagosta then recalled to Vis 1944-05-25
MA339 Attacked aerodrome west of Bihac J.U.87, H.S126 & Macchi destroyed 1944-05-25
MA339 From Vis to renew attack on airfield. J.U.87 a flamer 3 aircraft damaged 1944-05-26
MA339 Sweep with 2 aircraft of 253 squadron 1944-05-27
EF530 Sweep with two aircraft of 253 squadron Knin 10/10 cloud return to base 1944-05-27
Air test 1944-05-28
JL309 Landed Vis refuel 1944-05-29
JL309 Sweep road Drvar attacked M.T 2 smokers 4 damaged 1944-05-29
JL309 From Vis to base 1944-05-29
EF530 From base to Vis 1944-05-30
EF530 Sweep at Padene attacked large convoy many damaged one flamer. 1944-05-30
JL218 Base to Vis 1944-05-31
ER218 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-04
ER218 Patril Brac island 1944-06-04
ER218 From Vis to base 1944-06-04
ES347 Air test 1944-06-05
ES142 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-05
ES142 Dunta Dolisaw M.T with fuel drums attacked and flamer. At Ormsac M.T flamer 1944-06-05
EF530 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-06
EF530 At Sinj attacked 4 M.T. ine flamer. West of Muc attacked armoured car 1944-06-06
EF530 Vis to base 1944-06-06
ER218 Air test 1944-06-07
MA332 Air test 1944-06-07
JG871 "Jim crow" to Vis to refuel 1944-06-07
JG871 "Jim crow" owing to bad weather return base 1944-06-08
ER218 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-09
ER218 At Vakuf, Kljuc & Kamica only two M.T seen both damages 1944-06-10
ER218 Escort Hurricanes of 6 squadron cover given to and from target 1944-06-10
Target Supstar (Brac) Six bombs in town. Straffed town, violent explosion from one house. 1944-06-10
JK877 Air test 1944-06-11
ER218 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-12
ER218 Costal road Sibenik Zara, Obrovac, Skradin one M.T damaged 1944-06-12
ER218 Vis to base 1944-06-12
ER218 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-14
ER218 Attacked one M.T at Livno a smoker.Attacked 30 motor tranport one M.T blew up believed to be ammunition 1944-06-14
ER218 Vis to base 1944-06-14
JG877 5 M.T flamers 6 damaged ammunition dump exploded 1944-06-16
JL309 From base to Vis 1944-06-17
ER309 Bombed Monastery west of Korcula 1944-06-17
JL309 Practice battle formation 1944-06-21
ES347 Sweep out to Prapatnica, Kladnjice, Sinj, Drnis, Sibenik no targets 1944-06-22
ER914 Returned to Vis 1944-06-25
ER914 From base to Vis 1944-06-26
KIA 26-06-44 Please read picture above 1944-06-26
ER914 Sweep at Karlovac. A airfield was seen with approx 50 aircraft. Section could not resist. 8 machines destroyed & 2 damaged. To the W. a smaller drone with 2 aircraft damaged. 1944-06-26


Comments / Questions:

by: andrea Bremner F.C. 2016-12-07 00:57:32

Flight Lieutenant J/16540 26/06/1944 Royal Canadian Air Force Canadian 5. A. 9. BELGRADE WAR CEMETERY

by: Justin 2024-05-27 13:17:30

Frank Cecil Bremner was in 73 squadron RAF