BR428 |
FF 24-5-42 1PRU 28-5-42 47MU 6-7-42 Amot Elkerk 20-7-42 Takoradi 17-9-42 Middle East 31-1-43 SOC 30-11-44
FF 24-5-42 1PRU 28-5-42 47MU 6-7-42 Amot Elkerk 20-7-42 Takoradi 17-9-42 Middle East 31-1-43 SOC 30-11-44
BR429 |
FF 27-5-42 1PRU 28-5-42 47MU 27MU 27-6-42 Silver Willow 20-7-42 Takoradi 15-8-42 Middle East 29-9-42 Engine cut on take-off Petah Tiqva 10-6-44 SOC 31-8-44
FF 27-5-42 1PRU 28-5-42 47MU 27MU 27-6-42 Silver Willow 20-7-42 Takoradi 15-8-42 Middle East 29-9-42 Engine cut on take-off Petah Tiqva 10-6-44 SOC 31-8-44
BR430 |
FF 30-5-42 Benson 31-5-42 47MU 18-6-42 Wallsend 21-7-42 Takoradi 15-8-42 Middle East 2-9-42 2PRU FAC2 21-9-42 682S Missing over Crete or Greece 14-2-44
FF 30-5-42 Benson 31-5-42 47MU 18-6-42 Wallsend 21-7-42 Takoradi 15-8-42 Middle East 2-9-42 2PRU FAC2 21-9-42 682S Missing over Crete or Greece 14-2-44
BR431 |
FF 3-6-42 1PRU 8-6-42 9MU 28-6-42 Middle East 4-8-42 69S Malta 6-9-42 India 29-11-42 FAC2 13-12-42 SOC 31-5-45
FF 3-6-42 1PRU 8-6-42 9MU 28-6-42 Middle East 4-8-42 69S Malta 6-9-42 India 29-11-42 FAC2 13-12-42 SOC 31-5-45
BR432 |
FF 31-5-42 1PRU 2-6-42 47MU 27-6-42 Amot Elkerk 22-7-42 Takoradi 3-9-42 Middle East 1-10-42 Swung on landing and tipped up Petah Tiqva CE 25-1-45
FF 31-5-42 1PRU 2-6-42 47MU 27-6-42 Amot Elkerk 22-7-42 Takoradi 3-9-42 Middle East 1-10-42 Swung on landing and tipped up Petah Tiqva CE 25-1-45
BR433 |
FF 6-6-42 1PRU 8-6-42 9MU 27-6-42 FACB 29-7-42 HAL Benson 6-8-42 Middle East 1-3-43 Missing (Piraeus) 20-3-43
FF 6-6-42 1PRU 8-6-42 9MU 27-6-42 FACB 29-7-42 HAL Benson 6-8-42 Middle East 1-3-43 Missing (Piraeus) 20-3-43
BR434 |
FF 10-6-42 (Y camera) 1PRU 11-6-42 VA Benson 18-10-42 Porthreath 31-10-42 Gibraltar 6-11-42 Destroyed in air raid Maison Blanche 20-11-42 SOC 31-12-42
FF 10-6-42 (Y camera) 1PRU 11-6-42 VA Benson 18-10-42 Porthreath 31-10-42 Gibraltar 6-11-42 Destroyed in air raid Maison Blanche 20-11-42 SOC 31-12-42
BR435 |
FF 11-6-42 1PRU 14-6-42 47MU 6-7-42 Wallsend 21-7-42 Takoradi 15-8-42 major repair 2-9-42 Missing (Crete) 23-9-42 SOC 14-10-42
FF 11-6-42 1PRU 14-6-42 47MU 6-7-42 Wallsend 21-7-42 Takoradi 15-8-42 major repair 2-9-42 Missing (Crete) 23-9-42 SOC 14-10-42
BR459 |
VcT |
FF 9-5-42 39MU 9-5-42 47MU 17-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Middle East 601S 1-7-42 CE ops 16-7-42 SOC 25-7-42
FF 9-5-42 39MU 9-5-42 47MU 17-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Middle East 601S 1-7-42 CE ops 16-7-42 SOC 25-7-42
BR460 |
VcT |
FF 9-5-42 39MU 10-5-42 47MU 16-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 185S Shot down by Bf109 in sea off Malta 20-7-42 SOC 21-7-42 FH32.50
FF 9-5-42 39MU 10-5-42 47MU 16-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 185S Shot down by Bf109 in sea off Malta 20-7-42 SOC 21-7-42 FH32.50
BR461 |
VcT |
FF 13-5-42 39MU 14-5-42 82MU 18-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 1-7-42 C2 ops 9-42 NAfrica 1-6-43 SOC 26-4-45
FF 13-5-42 39MU 14-5-42 82MU 18-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 1-7-42 C2 ops 9-42 NAfrica 1-6-43 SOC 26-4-45
BR463 |
VcT |
FF 15-5-42 39MU 16-5-42 47MU 20-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 185S 1-7-42 CB ops 2-7-42 Hit bowser on landing and u/c collapsed Qrendi 7-1-43
FF 15-5-42 39MU 16-5-42 47MU 20-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 185S 1-7-42 CB ops 2-7-42 Hit bowser on landing and u/c collapsed Qrendi 7-1-43
BR464 |
VcT |
FF 15-5-42 6MU 17-5-42 47MU 22-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 1-7-42 Shot down nr Malta 12-10-42
FF 15-5-42 6MU 17-5-42 47MU 22-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 1-7-42 Shot down nr Malta 12-10-42
BR465 |
VcT |
FF 16-5-42 6MU 17-5-42 82MU 21-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 126S Crashed in forced landing Malta CE 3-7-42 SOC 6-7-42
FF 16-5-42 6MU 17-5-42 82MU 21-5-42 Hopetarn 26-5-42 Malta 126S Crashed in forced landing Malta CE 3-7-42 SOC 6-7-42
BR466 |
VcT |
FF 19-5-42 6MU 19-5-42 82MU 1-6-42 Nigerstown 20-6-42 Takoradi 601S Middle East 15-7-42 Crashed on landing LG.173 26-8-42 SOC 11-9-42
FF 19-5-42 6MU 19-5-42 82MU 1-6-42 Nigerstown 20-6-42 Takoradi 601S Middle East 15-7-42 Crashed on landing LG.173 26-8-42 SOC 11-9-42