

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
BR582 VcT EA FF 28-5-42 8MU 29-5-42 47MU 15-6-42 Nigerstown 20-6-42 Takoradi 5-8-42 Middle East 11-8-42 FAC3 29-8-42 59RSU
BR203 VcT EA FF 29-3-42 39MU 1-4-42 RAF Abbotsinch 11-4-42 ff Malta 185S CE ops 20-7-42 Shot down by Bf109s off Malta 23-7-42 FH29.30
BR583 VcT EA FF 29-5-42 8MU 30-5-42 82MU 18-6-42 Nigerstown 20-6-42 Takoradi Middle East 145S 16-7-42 Spun into ground nr El Daba 27-10-42
BR204 VcT EA FF 1-4-42 39MU 3-4-42 RAF Abbotsinch 11-4-42 ff Malta Destroyed in air raid 22-4-42 SOC 6-5-42
BR584 VcT EA FF 30-5-42 8MU 1-6-42 215MU 23-6-42 Hoperidge 4-8-42 Australia 23-10-42 RAAF as A58-60 Crash landed Strauss strip 2-43 rtp
BR205 VI EA FF 1-4-42 AAEE 2-4-42 RAE 29-5-42 pressure cabin trials. transfer to AAEE 6-42 for extensive diving and perf trials with neg 'G' carburetter comparison with BR287. carbon monoxide contam trials. Fitt DeH four blade Hydro... ...
BR585 VI EA 6MU 4-6-42 91S 28-6-42 CA ops 4-7-42 SF Northolt 16-9-42 124S 10-10-42 616S 25-1-43 force-landed CE 4-3-43 air collision with BS453 during Spartan exercise engine failed on takeoff 28-3-43
BR227 VcT HEA FF 27-3-42 39MU 29-3-42 RAF Abbotsinch 11-4-42 ff Malta 249S Shot down in sea off Malta 8-7-42 SOC 9-7-42 FH7.45
BR587 VI EA FF 3-6-42 6MU 5-6-42 421S 19-7-42 124S 19-7-42 Spun into ground CE 28-9-42
BR229 VcT HEA FF 12-4-42 39MU 14-4-42 RAF Renfrew 29-4-42 Malta 8-6-42 ? SOC 15-5-42
BR230 VcT HEA FF 10-4-42 39MU 18-4-42 RAF Renfrew 29-4-42 Empire Conrad 10-6-42 Malta 185S Shot down by Bf109s off Malta 16-6-42 SOC 18-6-42 FH17.50
BR590 VI EA 33MU 7-6-42 421S 19-7-42 124S 19-7-42 616S 25-1-43 engine failed into sea off Swanage 18-4-43
BR231 VcT HEA FF 27-4-42 39MU 29-4-42 VA tropicalised 3-5-42 47MU 6-5-42 Empire Conrad 10-6-42 ? Malta Shot down over Malta 8-6-42 SOC 9-6-42
BR591 VcT EA FF 5-6-42 8MU 7-6-42 52MU 8-7-42 Empire Clive 19-7-42 Malta 3-8-42 126S 1435S 'V-R' C2 ops 26-10-42 NAfrica 1-7-43 Italy 1-11-43 Middle East SOC 30-11-44
BR232 VcT HEA FF 30-4-42 39MU 30-4-42 VA tropicalised 3-5-42 47MU 6-5-42 Empire Conrad 10-6-42 Middle East 1-7-42 601S Missing presumed shot down by Bf109s nr El Dabs 6-7-42
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify