

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
BM642 Vb CBAF 9MU 23-4-42 485S 30-5-42 Westland 14-3-43 602S 31-5-43 504S 10-10-43 FACE 6-12-43 57OTU 17-8-44 SOC 29-8-45
BM643 Vb CBAF 9MU 26-4-42 122S 14-5-42 416S 14-11-42 411S 23-3-43 aircraft abandoned believed defective control crashed Tonbridge Kent CE 5-7-43 FH350
BM294 Vb CBAF 12MU 29-3-42 64S 12-4-42 Damaged by flak on sweep Somme Estuary 17-4-42 CE 22-4-42 FH65
BM644 Vb CBAF FF 25-4-42 9MU 30-4-42 122S 8-6-42 52OTU 9-2-43 FLS 2-2-44 809S 4-43 61OTU 28-9-44
BM295 Vb CBAF 5MU 26-3-42 154S 24-4-42 313S 8-6-42 331S 'FN-M' 12-8-42 VASM 16-10-42 fuel syst mods 331S 8-12-42 64S 4-9-43 118S 25-9-43 443S 7-3-44 58OTU 2-4-44 Armee de l'Air Morocco 10-4-45
BM645 Vb CBAF 9MU 9-5-42 64S 7-6-42 81S 7-6-42 122S 4-7-43 FAAC 13-7-43 ros 602S 23-8-43 DeH 19-9-43 402S 27-3-44 53OTU 20-7-44 Crashed during night flying training nr Hibaldstow 3-3-45
BM296 Vb CBAF 37MU 17-3-42 402S 25-5-42 Shot down by Fw190s off Le Touquet 15-7-42 SOC 28-7-42 FH63.30
BM646 Vb CBAF 9MU 2-5-42 133S 13-6-42 Missing presumed shot down by fighters nr Abbeville 31-7-42
BM297 Vb CBAF 9MU 25-3-42 402S 30-4-42 350S 17-8-42 Shot down by Fw190s while escorting Bostons to Abbeville 27-8-42
BM647 Vb CBAF FF 25-4-42 45MU 27-4-42 453S 23-6-42 Dived into ground 5m SE of Garvald East Lothian 28-8-42 SOC 9-9-42
BM298 Vb CBAF 25-3-42 402S 30-4-42 CE ops 17-5-42 VASM 24-8-42 fuel syst mods 52OTU 27-5-43 10AGS 8-6-45 Reid Sigrist refurb to Portugal 8-10-46
BM648 Vb CBAF LFVb 9MU 5-5-42 302S 5-6-42 308S 25-5-43 118S 10-10-43 132S 'FF-R' 25-1-44 VASM 9-3-44 fuel syst Basta mods AST 9-5-44 Armee de l'Air 19-1-45 GC2/18
BM299 Vb CBAF 45MU 27-3-42 81S 'FL-Y' 6-6-42 111S 7-12-42 485S Missing presumed shot down escorting Venturas nr Caen 13-4-43 FH517 Sgt T W J Denholm killed
BM649 Vb CBAF LRVb 9MU 6-5-42 129S 31-7-42 602S 29-11-42 FAAC 6-1-43 ros 66S 7-3-43 234S 12-5-43 312S 29-6-43 Cunliffe-Owen 8-2-44 mods RNAS 761S Henstridge 6-5-44 as trainer
BM300 Vb CBAF 5MU 27-3-42 133S 12-4-42 72S 15-6-42 CAC ops 16-6-42 ros M46 install 65S 4-8-42 165S 23-9-42 FAAC 13-12-42 ros 222MU 8-11-43 Pandorian 25-11-43 Portugal 8-12-43
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify