Can you help by providing feedback on this t-shirt design?
ETSY shop.
I hope you are enjoying this site, many enthusiasts are adding pilots on a regular basis, but we have some super-contributors at present (just look at recent pilot postings to see who they are) adding a considerable number of pilots each week and in many cases, linking up the to the aircraft they flew by serial. How many pilots on the site? You can count them using the bottom of the pilots page. There are currently 205 pages of 10 pilots per page (so some quick math says 2,050) and counting each week. Not only that, users can visit a page and add more information, such as a picture, or a comment.
Which brings us to the next topic - keeping this site going. As a developer, I was fortunate to be able to code this site up *using Laravel, a great framework for custom development and relating different types of information*. The site was my pleasure to create, to honour the pilots and also experiment with a form of digital curation, i.e. asking those with imagery and information (eg. family member) to post pilot info while it is still relatively available. And they have! Google stats shows close to 1000 users a month, I am thrilled and this number will grow as people add more pilot info and use the site to get info.
But here's the issue. Google ads (just the one on the right) doesn't cover hosting costs. I have to get to about $30 a month to cover hosting costs, it's not that much. All developer time (mine) is and has always been volunteer work (my pleasure), and I hope to add new features in the future.
The question is, would you (a reader of this site) support the site in other ways. I have some new t-shirt designs to share, and, I am wondering if users would be interested in purchasing one of these to support the site.
If so, I believe you can add a comment to the bottom of this blog post (or use contact us to send an email), it would help in terms of gauging interest. There are two t-shirt designs a friend has helped with (pro graphic designer) so I am going to show these, and hopefully get some feedback as to which ones users prefer.