HAUS, F/L Harry James (J25151) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.601 Squadron -
Award effective 9 April 1945 as per London Gazette dated 20 April 1945 and AFRO 918/45 dated 1 June 1945.
Born January 1921 in Kitchener, Ontario; home there (factory supervisor).
Enlisted in Hamilton, 11 February 1942 and posted to No.1 Manning Depot. To No.6 SFTS (guard), 28 March 1942, To No.6 ITS, 6 June 1942; graduated and promoted LAC, 31 July 1942 but not posted to No.12 EFTS until 29 August 1942; may have graduated 23 October 1942 but not posted to No.1 SFTS until 7 November 1942; graduated and commissioned , 2 April 1943. To “Y” Depot, 16 April 1943. To RAF overseas, 15 May 1943. Promoted Flying Officer, 2 October 1943. Promoted Flight Lieutenant, 22 September 1944. Repatriated 5 August 1945. Released 9 August 1945.
Flight Lieutenant Haus has proved himself to be a courageous and successful fighter bomber pilot. He has completed a large number of operational sorties and has led his squadron on many missions with excellent results. The coolness which he has shown in all emergencies has won the confidence and admiration of all who have flown with him.
NOTE: Public Records Office Air 2/9072 has recommendation by Squadron Leader C.T. Stimpson dated 1 February 1945 when he had flown 146 sorties (170 operational hours). It is more detailed in some respects:
Since joining the squadron on 16th April 1944, this officer has taken part in 108 fighter-bomber missions and 38 bomber escorts. His bombing on almost every occasion has been extremely accurate, often in spite of intense anti-aircraft fire. His excellent qualities of leadership have gained for him the full confidence and respect of all who fly with him.
Flight Lieutenant Haus has set a fine example to all and I strongly recommend him for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.