Squadron Leader Alan John RADCLIFFE (Aus. 405138), R.A.A.F., 241 Sqn.
Squadron Leader Radcliffe has a fine record of operational flying. He has participated in a very large number of sorties involving attacks on a wide variety of targets ranging from the Western Desert in the earlier stages of the war to the fighting in Northern Italy.
He is a highly skilled and resolute pilot whose keenness to engage the enemy has set a fine example to all.
In April, 1945, Squadron Leader Radcliffe led a small formation of aircraft on a sortie during which a good number of enemy mechanical vehicles were destroyed and others severely damaged.
In an attack on a similar target some days later, Squadron Leader Radcliffe's aircraft sustained damage. Soon after crossing our own lines, the aircraft caught fire. Nevertheless, Squadron Leader Radcliffe effected a masterly landing on a semicompleted landing ground.
His example of courage and devotion to duty has won great praise.