


rank: Maj
status: survived
airforce: SAAF    (no: 47886 )
born: 1916-11-23 Cape Town South Africa

added by: Adrian Dwyer

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D.F.C. London Gazette 4 December 1942:

"Captain Hugh Errol Noel Wildsmith (P. 47885), South African Air Force, No. 2 (S.A.A.F.) Squadron. This officer has participated in a large number of Sorties, including numerous fighter escorts and sweeps. On one occasion in July 1942, during an escort flight, his squadron engaged a formation of enemy bombers and destroyed 4 of them. Throughout the engagement, Captain Wildsmith displayed great courage and initiative. In October 1942, his squadron was detailed to escort a bomber force well into enemy territory. Whilst over the target area, Captain Wildsmith became separated from the formation and his aircraft was attacked by 10 enemy fighters. Displaying great skill, he destroyed one of the attackers and frustrated the efforts of the others until he was able to re-join his formation. This officer has invariably displayed outstanding leadership and high courage. He has destroyed at least 3 enemy aircraft.”

Wildsmith’s first sortie with 2 Squadron was on 12 June 1942 and he notes in his logbook that he was attacked by two ME109’s. Three days later during a sortie in which he was providing top cover for Boston’s, he notes he was attacked by two Macchi’s and ‘did not know what was going on’. Between then and finally leaving 2 Squadron on 1 March 1943, Wildsmith would become a highly skilled fighter pilot and Flight Leader, being promoted to Major on 13 November 1942 and to command of the Squadron on 21 November 1942. He would complete a total of 106 operational sorties with 2 Squadron in North Africa and was credited with 4 confirmed aerial victories, 1 probable victory and 1 damaged. He was also awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

In April 1944 he embarked for the Middle East and in May was posted as Officer Commanding of the newly formed 9 Squadron S.A.A.F. in Syria. Flying Spitfire MK.VC’s., the squadron was initially tasked to provide air protection of the Suez Canal and the coastline of the Nile Delta, before transferring to Libya in September. On 22 November 1944, Wildsmith was transferred Officer Commanding 3 Squadron S.A.A.F. in Italy. Equipped with Spitfire MK. IX’s, he remained with this Squadron for just over a month before a series of non operational S.A.A.F. postings for the duration of the War. Wildsmith appears to have finally returned to service in South Africa, before finally being released from service on in August 1946.


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