
FOSKETT, Russell George


rank: S/L
status: kia
airforce: RAF    (no: 402652 )
born: 1917-05-07 Roseville Australia

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Foskett administered and led No. 94 Squadron as it operated over North Africa and the Middle East throughout 1944. Noted as "outstanding" as "a fighter pilot and commander" during this time, Foskett was consequently Mentioned in Despatches and awarded the wings of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force by King Peter II. The squadron was re-equipped with Supermarine Spitfires during February that year, and it was while piloting one of these aircraft that Foskett scored his final victory of the war. On 6 June, Foskett was involved in a sweeping sortie over Crete when he became engaged with a Junkers Ju 52. In the ensuing battle, Foskett managed to shoot down the opposing aircraft over Tmimi, Libya. During October 1944, No. 94 Squadron was relocated to Kalamaki, Greece from Savoia (Cyremaica) Libya.

On 31 October 1944, Foskett was returning to base following an operation when his Spitfire developed engine trouble between the islands of Skiathos and Skópelos over the Aegean Sea. He attempted to bail out of the aircraft, but his altitude was too low for his parachute to open, and he was consequently killed. Foskett's body was later recovered, and he was buried at sea; he is commemorated on the Malta Memorial. Foskett's younger brother Bruce William, a Royal Australian Air Force navigator, had been killed in an operation over Berlin the previous February. By the time of his death, Foskett had been officially credited with a tally of 61⁄2 Axis aircraft shot down. For his command of No. 94 Squadron, Foskett was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire, which was posthumously announced in a supplement to the London Gazette on 1 January 1945.

Air Ministry, 4th December, 1942.


The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallantry displayed in flying operations against the enemy.
Distinguished Flying Cross.
Acting Flight Lieutenant Russell George FOSKETT (Aus.402652), Royal Australian Air Force, No. 80 Squadron.

One day in November, 1942, this officer led his squadron in an attack on a formation of Stuka dive bombers, heavily escorted by fighters. During the combat 7 Stukas were shot down, a further 8 probably destroyed and several others were damaged. Flight Lieutenant Foskett, who displayed great skill and daring, destroyed 2 of the enemy aircraft before his own was hit. He landed safely, however, and re-joined his squadron the same night. The following morning he resumed his flying duties. This officer has participated in a large number of sorties and has displayed inspiring leadership.
On 16 February 1946, Foskett's father, Edward, attended an investiture ceremony at Government House, Sydney, where he was presented with his late son's decorations by the Governor-General of Australia, Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester.


Squadrons add
RAF 94 squadron 1943-10-01


Flew Hurricanes in 94 Squadron before this date 1944-03-05
MH735 Patrol over Convoy 'HUNTER' . 1944-03-06
MH735 First light patrol over convoy 'SANDSTORM ' 1944-03-08
MJ449 Sweep out to sea and around Berka 1944-03-19
Convoy patrol 1944-03-23
MH735 Sweep out to sea 1944-03-26
Bomber escort to Crete 1944-05-04
MH558 Escort Beaufighters to Crete 1944-05-05
MH766 Escort Beaufighters to Crete 1944-05-06
MH766 Escort bombers attacking airfields Crete 1944-05-12
MH766 Escort bombers target Crete 1944-05-21
MH558 Offensive sweep over Crete (6 Spits) 1944-05-24
MH766 Sweep over Crete 1944-05-31
MA766 Escort Marauders/Baltimore & Beaufighters attack convoy north crete 1944-06-01
MA766 Top cover to bombers attacking Canea 1944-06-02
MA766 Top cover to bombers attacking Canea 1944-06-02
MA766 Forced hostile JU.52 to land near Tmimi 1944-06-06
MA363 Escort for Marauders attacking Crete. 1944-06-08
MH558 Escort Baltimore target Crete 1944-06-27
MJ328 Six ME109 were engaged over Crete one destroyed two damaged. 1944-08-10
Sweep Crete 1944-08-11
MJ328 Sweep Crete 1944-08-11
MJ328 Sweep Crete 1944-08-14
MJ328 Sweep Crete 1944-08-15
MJ328 Sweep Crete 1944-08-25
ER489 Moved to Kalamaki Greece. O'Keefe/Dummett crash on landing. 1944-10-19
ER489 Recce on Larisa area 1944-10-19
ES133 Staffing transport at Kastoria 1944-10-22
ER489 Staffing g transport at Kitros 1944-10-23
ER489 Recce Kozani-Phlorina-Skydra area 1944-10-27
ER489 Staffed railway traffic 3 engines and 12 trucks destroyed 1944-10-29
ER489 Staffed stationary train. Killed making a forced landing in the sea nearnorth Skiatmos 1944-10-31


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