
ARMSTRONG, Hugh Anderson


rank: F/O
status: survived
airforce: RCAF    (no: R136192 )
born: Toronto Canada

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Sgt Hugh Anderson Armstrong R136192 was commissioned to P.O J20653 on the 23-11-42.

135 Squadron ORB October 10th 1942.

Armstrong's first flight in 73 Squadron was in December 43.

On the 14th of November 1944 in compliance with the new flying regulations for dominion aircrew two Candian Officers had to stand down F/O Cumak and F/O Armstrong. P/O Armstrong was with 73 squadron just under a year.

He later joined 57 OTU in March 1945.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 squadron 1943-12-01


Sgt Armstrong arrived 73 squadron today from the A.F.U 1943-12-08
JK709 Sector recce 1943-12-09
JK546 Formation flying 1943-12-10
JK546 Base to Foggia formation 1943-12-15
JK190 Foggia to base 1943-12-16
JK709 Patrolled a line 1943-12-17
JK667 Flying practice 1943-12-18
JK546 Formation flying 1943-12-19
Bari to Foggia Escrt D.C3 1943-12-21
MA712 Scrambled intercept bogey not seen 1943-12-23
JK892 Calibration test 1944-01-03
MA630 Calibration test 1944-01-03
MA633 Scrambled bogey which proved friendly 1944-01-07
MA565 Escorted fortress with u/s engine back to base. 1944-01-09
JK437 Practice formation flying 1944-01-17
JK464 Practice flying 1944-01-19
JK991 Patrolled convey 1944-01-23
JL226 Sweep over enmy occupied island Lagosta 1944-01-25
JK709 Convoy patrol 1944-01-27
JL226 Calibration test 1944-01-29
ER178 Convoy patrol not located 1944-01-31
Emergency landing strip now on Vis Island. 1944-02-23
EN252 Air test 1944-02-25
MA712 Escort convoy vessel's from south Vis 1944-03-01
JK712 Calibration, air & cannon test 1944-03-02
EN252 Sweep Dalmation coast. At Poajic hit two stationery trains. One aircraft failed to return, F/Lt C.J Hayne search but no sign. 1944-03-03
JK426 Low fly pratice 1944-03-04
JL226 Scrambled intercept M.E210 no visual 1944-03-07
LZ838 Patrol Vis 1944-03-21
EF630 Attacked many ships & schooners Bay of Soita 1944-03-23
EF630 0n course 070° failed to return F/O A.R Morris 1944-03-23
JG866 Search for dinghy 1944-03-24
JL226 North of Vis escort but not locate 1944-03-29
JK546 Local flying F/S A.J Lee crashed on landing 1944-03-31
MA311 Patrol of Vis 0610 to 0750 1944-04-02
JL226 Sweep Dalmatian coast. Strafed heavy lorry a flamer. Staff car & 3 ton lorry damaged. Strafing solders marching at Vitina. 1944-04-02
Air test 1944-04-03
MA712 Shipping recce west of Ston. No sign of any shipping. 1944-04-03
JK338 Air & cannon test 1944-04-05
MA311 Shipping recce Dalmatian coast, nothing seen. 1944-04-06
JL350 From Grottaglie 1944-04-06
ES142 To Grottaglie 1944-04-07
JK978 Air test 1944-04-11
JL350 Air test 1944-04-11
EN252 Scrambled course 040º orbited but no but not see E/A 1944-04-12
MA640 The usual dusk Vis island patrol. 40 minutes then returned to base. 1944-04-13
ES285 Practice dive bombing 1944-04-14
MA712 Air test 1944-04-15
MA640 Patrolled Vieste at 10,000ft 1944-04-16
JG866 Fly VC fighter bombers escorted by 32 squadron bombed and strafed Vrgorac. Target left in black smoke. 1944-04-16
JL164 To Grottaglie 1000 to 1045 1944-04-19
From Grottaglie to base 1125 to 1205 1944-04-19
JL350 Air test 1944-04-21
MA640 Sweep Yugo-slav mainland, inland as far as Mostar. Concentrated on railways. 4 engines destroyed & 25 wagon damaged 1944-04-23
EF652 Air & cannon test 1944-04-29
EF652 Made landfall at Gradac located M.T taget. Bombing run 1944-05-01
MA339 Search for dinghy in Korculanski channel without results 1944-05-03
EF652 At Ljubuski attacked M.T and damaged. Destroyed Loco & wagons at Mostaci 1944-05-03
JG866 Base to Brindisi to Grottaglie to base 1944-05-05
JK978 Sweep. Landfall at Omis covered road to Podgora and Sestanovac to Vrgorac search for radio station without results 1944-05-09
Shipping recce Korcula and all inlets. No trace of Siebel ferry 1944-05-15
LZ811 Landed Vis refueled to Livno. Attacked 2 lorry one flamer the other blew up. Loviste attacked two landing craft. 1944-05-19
JL309 Escort for B25 from Viesre to Vis 1944-05-21
JL381 To Vis 1944-05-25
JL381 Sweep. Land at Vis see report B flight 1944-05-25
MA345 Base to Vis to refuel. On way out informed bandits S.W of Vis. Nothing seen 1944-05-30
MA345 Vis to base 1944-05-30
JK191 Target Sumartin (Brac) all bombs direct hits. At Supetar 40ft schooner & 25ft boat both sunk. Staffed 2 building, severely damaged. 1944-06-02
JK191 Target Sumartin. All bombs direct hits.At Suptar Harbour 40ft schooner and 25ftboat both sunk 1944-06-02
JK191 At Supetar bombed in town. Staffed all building with cannon and M.G fire. 1944-06-02
JK191 Vis to refuel then to base 1944-06-02
ES347 Air test 1944-06-04
ER222 Armed recce.To Vis to refuel 1944-06-05
ER222 Bombing raid target Bridge at Skradin. No1 scored direct hit 1944-06-05
ER222 Vis to base 1944-06-05
BR235 To Vis 1944-06-07
BR235 Returned to base engine U/S 1944-06-07
ES347 At Bos Grhovo saw 20 large M.T attacked 1 exploded and 9 flamers 1944-06-07
ES347 Vis to base 1944-06-07
JK450 From Grottaglie to base 1944-06-08
To Vis to refuel 1944-06-09
JK191 Vis to refuel 1944-06-09
JK191 Sweep Dr are area out to Knin. No targets 1944-06-09
JK191 To Vis to refuel 1944-06-10
JK191 At Trebinjeattacked Loco & wagons Loco blew up 1944-06-10
JK191 sweep Skradin to Benkovac 1944-06-10
JK191 Novigradsko lake toDrvar attacked armored cars severely damaged 1944-06-11
ER222 Vis to refuel and bomb up 1944-06-13
JK193 Searched Sibenik, Zara areas. Base 1944-06-13
JK191 Base to Vis 1944-06-14
JK191 At Konjic 1 Loco damaged. At Tarcin saw long train logo's both ends. Both blew up 1944-06-14
JK235 Sweep Bihav one M.T flamer 3 damaged 1944-06-14
JK235 Bihac area saw convoy attacked 13 flamers 1944-06-15
JK235 One large M.T flamer. Staffed gun emplacement 1944-06-15
ER486 Base to Vis 1944-06-17
ER486 At Doljane gun emplacement attacked 1944-06-17
ES342 To Vis refuel and bomb up 1944-06-25
ES342 Target pontoon Bridge, no sign. Secondary target power station 6 bombs direct hits. 1944-06-25
ES192 Air test 1944-06-30
JK278 From Foggia to Canne 1944-07-01
JK278 From Foggia to Canne 1944-07-01
EF533 Attacked Loco at Generalski. Attacked another train logo's at both ends, both blew up 1944-07-02
JK278 Railway Sirenj to Banova destroyed 29 loco's 1944-07-08
EP579 Base to Vis 1944-07-09
ER222 Gospic area no targets on road 1944-07-09
Base to Vis 1944-07-11
Drnis knin area 1944-07-11
MA690 Shipping recce Rob island 1944-07-16
MA690 Vis to base 1944-07-16
MA693 Base to Vis 1944-07-20
MA693 Patrol of Vis 1944-07-20
MA693 Patrol of Vis 1944-07-21
JK330 Vis to base 1944-07-23
JF898 Air test 1944-07-25
JK161 Escort to Hurricanes of 6 Sqn 1944-07-26
ER178 Vis to base 1944-07-28
MA514 Grottaglie to base 1944-07-31
EN199 Base to Vis 1944-08-03
MA708 Vis to base 1944-08-03
To Grottaglie 0445 to 0530 1944-08-06
NH297 To Grottaglie 0445 to 0530 1944-08-06
JF560 Operating from Grottaglie on U-boat search. 0745 to 0945 no results. 1944-08-06
NH297 U-boat search 1050 to1235 1944-08-06
JF560 Air test 1540 to 1550 1944-08-06
MA514 U-boat search 1610 to 1750 1944-08-06
NH271 U-boat search 1030 to 1220 1944-08-07
JF560 From Grottaglie to Foggia 1700 to 1745 1944-08-07
NH297 To Grottaglie 1944-08-08
NH297 From Grottaglie patrol west of Corfu island 1944-08-08
NH297 2nd Patrol west of Corfu. 1944-08-08
NH297 Grottaglie to Foggia 1944-08-08
JK803 Base to Vis 1944-08-11
NH271 Patrol from Vis over Biševo Island. 1944-08-11
MA751 From Vis 2nd patrol over Biševo 1944-08-12
MA751 patrol of Biševo 1944-08-12
NH271 From Vis patrol of island 1944-08-14
NH271 Vis to base 1944-08-15
JK803 Practice formation 1944-08-17
JK803 From base in search of crew of Beaufighter 5 miles off Termoli, nothing seen. 1944-08-18
JK803 Practice flying 1944-08-22
MK406 Air test 1944-09-28
PV120 Sweep. Low cloud back to base 1944-10-01
PV120 Offensive sweep. To Vis Island to refuel 1944-10-01
PV120 Sweep Zagreb to Radece area 1944-10-01
PT497 Practice flying & interception 1944-10-02
PT497 Practice flying and interception 1944-10-02
MJ629 Vis island to refuel 1944-10-03
MJ629 Sweep from Vis to Zagreb area 1944-10-03
PT660 Banjaluka area 1944-10-04
PT660 Vis to base but have to return to Vis 1944-10-04
PT660 Several armored vehicles seen attacked some damaged 1944-10-04
PT497 Air test 1944-10-07
PT497 Air test 1944-10-07
PT497 Air test 1944-10-12
Non ops air test 1944-10-12
PT497 Sweep Zagreb 1944-10-13
PT497 Sweep Zagreb area. Low cloud back to base 1944-10-13
PT681 Sweep Drnis nothing seen 1944-10-14
PT497 Non-ops 1944-10-14
PT681 Sweep Drnis 1944-10-14
PT497 Sweep Zagreb one Loco destroyed 1944-10-16
PT497 Sweep Zagreb 1944-10-16
MA484 To Brindisi from base (Canne) 1944-10-18
MA484 To Brindisi 1944-10-18
MA484 From Brindisi to base 1944-10-19
MA484 Brindisi to Canne 1944-10-19
PV120 Recce Sinj & Bihac no incidents 1944-10-24
PT618 Practice flying 1944-10-24
PT618 Practice flying 1944-10-24
PT618 Practice flying 1944-10-28
PT618 Practice flyig 1944-10-28
PV120 To Vis to refuel 1944-11-01
MJ629 Sweep from Vis return to base low cloud 1944-11-03
PT681 Patrol of Zagreb aerodromes 1944-11-04
PT681 Patrol of Zagreb airdormes 1944-11-04
PT668 Air test 1944-11-06
PT497 Offensive sweep Sarajevo 1944-11-06
NH271 1944-11-08
New flying regulations for dominion aircrew two Candian Officers had to stand down. 1944-11-14


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