
WATTS, Norman Edward


rank: F/O
status: survived
airforce: RAAF    (no: 404917 )
born: 1919-03-24 Hereford United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Enlisted Brisbane Queensland, Australia.

Joined 94 Squadron on the 30-12-43


Squadrons add
RAF 94 squadron 2030-12-01


F/0 Watts was flew Hurricanes in the Squadron before March 44. 1944-03-01
JK742 Patrol over convoy 1944-03-19
Scrambled to intercept hostile N of Tobruk. Unable to get within range. 1944-03-20
JK742 Patrol convoy 'WAGON' 1944-03-21
JK435 Patrol convoy 'NEIGHBOUR' 1944-03-23
JK742 Patrol convoy 'NURSEMAID' 1944-03-29
JK435 Shipping sweep. No enemy aircraft, returned to base. 1944-04-06
JK435 Patrol convoy 'VENUS' 1944-04-09
MH703 Bomber escort to 12 Marauders Target Maleme airfield Crete. 1944-04-19
JK435 Patrol convoy 'NETTLE' 1944-05-01
MH558 Escort Beaufighters to Crete. Attacked RDF stations at Leonda & Selino Kastelli. 1944-05-06
JK435 Patrol convoy 'SPRUCE' 1944-05-08
MH551 Scrambled but Bogey was friendly. 1944-05-16
MA363 Patrol convoy 'SOLO' 1944-05-17
JK435 Patrol convoy 'HANKEY' 1944-05-24
MA363 Patrol convoy 'COLUMBIA' 1944-06-07
MH558 Scrambled, was friendly. 1944-06-09
MA363 Patrol convoy 'BARRYMORE' 1944-06-14
MH558 Escort to Baltimores on recce to Crete. Had L.R tank trouble, returned. 1944-06-21
MH558 Scrambled. Friendly 1944-06-24
JK435 Patrol convoy 'CRUPPER' 1944-06-29
MA363 Patrol convoy 'GABARDINE' 1944-06-30
MH551 Escort Baltimores attacking R.D.F. stations on Crete. On fighter opposition, slight A/A. 1944-07-05
JK435 Potrol convoy. No1 (Watts) have glycol leak. Engine seized and made a successful land at EL GUBBI. 1944-07-06
MH360 Patrol convoy 'CINDERELLA' 1944-07-12
JK435 Patrol convoy 'PASTURE' 21 ships going west. 1944-07-30
MA588 Sweep over Crete (6 spits) nothing seen. 1944-08-06
MA508 Patrol convoy 'JANITOR' 1944-08-10
Nil flying from 27-08-44 to 18-10-44 squadron packing up for move. 1944-08-27
EP953 Squadron moving from Savoia (Libya) to Kalamaki (Greece). 1944-10-19
ER246 Attacked rail traffic N. Kitros 8 trucks left burning. Staff car left in flames. 1944-10-23
ER489 Straffing motor transport at Kozani area. 1944-10-25
ER871 Straffing railway traffic at Salonika. 3 engines & 12 trucks destroyed. 1944-10-29
EE783 Recce Salonika area. Thick mist nothing visible. 1944-11-02
JK162 Road recce Phloridan & Kozani. No movements. 1944-11-04
JK162 Recce Kozani no movements 1944-11-04
ER525 Straffing attacks. Ammunition train between Veles & Skoplje. 2 engines & 30 trucks destroyed. 1944-11-06
Recce, motor transport seen & and trains Skoplje areas 1944-11-08
BR253 Ordered straff rail traffic between Veles & Skopjle. None seen. 1944-11-10
EE783 Straffing rail traffic. No2 (Lt Loots) returned early engine trouble. 1944-11-12
LZ928 Recce. Partisans seen E. Veles & trucks 1944-11-15
Recce Lakkla & Meskla in Crete. Nothing seen. 1944-11-20
EE783 Recce north coast Crete. Nothing seen. 1944-11-27
JK408 To Iraklion for operations but couldn't land airfield was U/S. 1944-12-01
MH590 Beat up communist meeting in Athens. 1944-12-03
JK408 To Iraklion Crete for further opps. 1944-12-04
JK408 Recce of Crete then returned Kalamaki. 1944-12-04
Recce (Hurricane llc) over Anthens & districts. 1944-12-06
LZ928 Straffing E.L.A.S. troops moving on Kalamaki airfield. 1944-12-06
JK408 Road recce Lamia, Lavadia areas. 1944-12-07
JK408 Escorted road convoy to Athens, no incidents. 1944-12-08
ER871 Straffing guerilla positions Athens. 1944-12-09
JK408 Low level straffing attacks on high ground S.of stadium Anthens. 1944-12-10
JK408 Straffed ELAS Likavittos hill. 1944-12-11
JK408 Straffed ELAS Strefi area. 1944-12-16
MA282 Straffing attacks on containers. 1944-12-19
ER663 Patrolled over tanks at Kifisia 1944-12-19
JK527 Straffed ELAS trucks in Piraeus. 2 trucks & bus destroyed. 1944-12-21
JK527 Straffed building occupied by ELAS at Piraeus. 1944-12-22
JK527 Straffing Piraeus areas any ELAS force seen. 1944-12-23
MA282 Straffed houses Piraeus. These houses were ELAS strong points. 1944-12-29
EP612 Dropped supplies to at Lamia to RAF prisoners. None seen. 1944-12-31
JK731 Escort to armed road convoy going to Pallini. 1944-12-31
MA282 Armed recce around base (Kalamaki) 1945-01-02
MA282 Armed recce all roads N.W of Athens. 1 M.T damaged 2 destroyed. 1945-01-04
EP576 Straffed trucks N. Athens. 2 destroyed 2 damaged. 1945-01-05
EE783 4 M.T destroyed 1 car. Megara area. 1945-01-06
BR253 Recce for ELAS troops Levadia. None seen. 1945-01-08
MA282 Recce for any ELAS movement. Nothing of interest. 1945-01-10
LZ828 Straffed forest west of Levadia. Unobserved results. 1945-01-13
F/O Watts was posted to 56 P.T.C. tour expired 1945-01-22


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