
BRETHERTON, Bruce Albert


rank: F/L
status: survived
airforce: RAAF    (no: 035545 )
born: 1922-08-26 Australia

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Flight Lieutenant Bruce Albert Bretherton DFC, RAAF Pilot, 1941 - 1945. Flew Lockheed Hudsons in 267 squadron RAF August 1942 - March 1943 near Cairo, carrying petrol and passengers to various locations. Flew Hurricanes & Spitfires in 73 squadron. 2nd tour of operations March 1943 - January 1944 part of convoy patrols in Italy. Flew Beaufighters in 255 squadron RAF 3rd tour of operations January 1944 - August 1944 carrying out strafing raids in Yugoslavia.

Five Hurricanes F/Lt Leggett, F/O Bretherton, P/O Bennett, F/Sgt McCall & F/Sgt Rawson were patrolling a convoy of about seven ships just north of Cap Bon where again the enemy were in the vicinity. Our pilots were vectored to intercept. In all about 20 JU.88s and HE 111s were encountered. The flight leader L/Lt Leggett saw two JU88s attacking a convoy which was near Manzel Temim. F/O Bretherton engaged and shot down one of the JU.88s. The E/A just blew up in the air. F/Sgt McCall damaged one HE.111 during the engagement.

Returned to Australia November 1944.


Squadrons add
RAF 267 1942-08-01
RAF 73 1943-03-01
RAF 255 1944-01-01


JK136 Local flying 1943-06-14
ER136 Local flying 1943-06-15
Spitfire started to arrive in June. F/L Bretherton flew Hurricanes before June. 1943-06-17
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-18
JK534 Local flying 1943-06-21
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-21
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-22
JK604 Local flying 1943-06-24
JK604 Convoy patrol Ras Fartas to Ras el Ahmer 1943-06-25
JK604 Convoy patrol Ras Fartas to Ras el Ahmer 1943-06-25
JK604 Convoy patrol Ras Fartas to Ras el Ahmer 1943-06-25
JK989 Cannon test 1943-06-26
JK427 Dusk landings 1943-06-27
JK989 Patrolled convoy 15 miles off Enfidaville. 1943-07-01
JK767 Patrolled convoy off Bizerte 1943-07-01
ER136 Local flying 1943-07-02
JK427 Sebala to Cap Bon 1943-07-04
JK460 Patrolled convoyfrom Zembra to Cap Bon. 1943-07-04
JK427 Aircraft test 1943-07-06
JK427 Patrolled base. 1943-07-06
JK767 Sebala to Cap Bon 1943-07-08
JK767 Patrolled convoy 12 miles S.W of Pantellaria. 1943-07-08
JK767 Patrolled convoy anchored N. of Bizerte. 1943-07-10
JK781 Patrolled convoy of 10 warships 35 miles N. of Bizerte 1943-07-11
JK892 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-07-12
JK892 Patrolled convoy S.E of Cap Bon 1943-07-14
JK892 Patrolled convoy S.E of Monastir 1943-07-17
JK767 Patrolled N. of Bizerte 1943-07-18
JK767 Dawn patrol of Bizerte. 1943-07-20
JK335 Patrolled convoy. 1943-07-21
JK427 Aircraft test 1943-07-22
JK604 Aircraft test. 1943-07-22
JK604 Patrolled convoy entering Bizerte Harbour. 1943-07-22
JK604 Patrolled convoy. 1943-07-27
JK190 Sebala 2 to Sebala 1. 1943-07-27
JK190 Aircraft test. 1943-07-28
JK604 Air co-operation. 1943-07-29
JK991 Shipping patrol. Landed at Cap Bon. 1943-07-29
JK892 Shipping patrol 1943-08-01
JK604 Convoy patrol 'UNTRUE' N.W of Bizerte. Saw tanker blow up. 1943-08-03
JK546 Dinghy search 30 miles E. of Cap Bon. Did not find. 1943-08-15
JK892 Scrambled to 20,000ft over Bizerte. Did not see E/A 1943-08-16
JK190 Aircraft test. 1943-08-17
JK427 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-21
JK892 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-23
JK892 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-24
JK892 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-26
JK892 Dinghy search. 1943-08-30
JK892 Sebala to Kairouan 11.15 to 12.00 1943-08-30
JK892 Kairouan to Sebala 14.30 to 15.15 1943-08-30
JK892 Practice interceptions over base 1943-08-31
JK892 Flying practice 1943-09-01
JK892 Dinghy search 1943-09-05
JK892 Patrol Cap Bon 1943-09-05
JK892 Sebala to Bouficha 1943-09-07
JK892 Convoy patrol off Bouficha 08.35 to 10.30 1943-09-07
JK892 Convoy patrol off Cap Bouficha 11.55 to 13.45 1943-09-07
JK892 A.A Co op course. 1943-09-16
JK892 Sebala to Montecorvino via Catania Sicily. 1943-09-17
JK427 Formation practice 1943-09-18
JL172 Shadow firing. 1943-09-18
JK892 Escort for air sea aircraft 1943-09-19
20th September to 16th October Nil flying squadron awaiting instructions to move to Italy. 1943-09-20
JK892 Patrol over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-10-21
MA641 Patrol of Naples 1943-10-21
JK892 Montecorvino to Catania 1943-10-22
JK892 Catania to Montecorvino 1943-10-22
JK892 Shipping recce Capri to Point Licosa. 1943-10-23
JK892 Patrol over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-10-23
JK892 Shipping patrol 1943-10-24
JK892 Convoy patrol 1943-10-26
JK892 Patrol Naples. Weather poor 06.00 to 6.20 1943-10-27
JK546 Patrol Naples 10.00 to 11.55 1943-10-27
JK892 Patrol Naples 15.50 to 17.25 at 25,000ft. 1943-10-27
JK892 Shipping patrol point Licosa to Capri 1943-10-29
JL172 Patrol Naples 1943-10-30
JK892 Shipping recce Capri to Point Licosa. 1943-11-01
JK892 Patrol Naples 1943-11-02
JK546 Patrol Naples 1943-11-02
JK892 Patrol convoy. 1943-11-04
JL172 Scrambled over base, nothing seen. 1943-11-05
JK709 Patrol Naples 1943-11-05
JK892 Patrol convoy. 1943-11-07
JK892 Patrol Naples 1943-11-11
JK892 Shipping patrol. 1943-11-13
JK892 Patrol Naples 1943-11-14
JK892 Montecorvino to Brindisi. Forward base for sweep over to Albania. 1943-11-15
JK892 Ground strafing on coast at Durazzo, Albania. 1943-11-15
JK892 Brindisi to Montecorvino. 1943-11-16
JK892 Patrol convoy. 1943-11-20
JL172 Patrol Naples 1943-11-22
JK892 Patrol Naples 1943-11-26
JK892 Aircraft test 1943-11-29
JK892 Montecorvino to Foggia main, one squadron move. 1943-12-02
JK892 Sector recce 1943-12-05
JK892 Local frying. 1943-12-07
JK709 Local flying. 1943-12-08
JK892 Sector recce 1943-12-09
JK892 Formation flying. 1943-12-10
MA311 Scrambled over base to intercept E/A nothing found. 1943-12-14
MA630 Bari to Foggia. 1943-12-15
MA633 Aircraft test. 1943-12-16
JK892 Foggiato Taranto patrolling a line. 1943-12-17
JK892 Patrolled a line from Barletta to Molfetta. 1943-12-17
JK892 Scrambled nothing seen. 1943-12-18
JK892 Formation flying. 1943-12-19
JK190 To Bari to refuel for escort work. 1943-12-21
JK190 Bari to Vasto escort DC3 1943-12-21
JK892 Vasto to Foggia 1943-12-21
JK892 Aircraft test. 1943-12-21
JK892 Escort to DC3 from Vasto to Bari 1943-12-21
JK892 Formation 1943-12-23
MA712 Scrambled proved to be friendly. 1943-12-24
JK546 Convoy patrol from Bari to Manfredonia. 1944-01-09
JK892 Sweep over Vis & neighbouring Islands. 1944-01-13
MA532 Search for Liberator Niget Island area. No trace. 1944-01-14
JK991 Air test 1944-01-16
JL226 Scrambled course 335° Bogey over Termoli. Plot faded 1944-01-17
JL226 Local flying. 1944-01-22
F/O Bretherton posted to 255 squadron (Beaufighters) stationed with ourselves at Foggia. 1944-01-25


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