
HAYNE, Charles John


rank: F/L
status: pow
airforce: RAF    (no: 48581 )
born: 1919-03-08 Yeovil United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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73 Squadron

Five new pilot arrived today (Foggia main) from a A.F.U near Algiers, F/O C.J.Hayne included.

F/Lt Charles J Hayne in Spitfire JG783
Four Spitfires led by F/O Bremner with F/Lt Hayne, F/Sgt Lee & W/O Hampton after a thorough briefing. At 10.00 set course for the Dalmatian coast that being the target area. A few miles N.E of Dubrovnik a couple of trains were hit. Spitfires continued west until reaching the coast and visited more shipping ports. During the attack on trains F/Lt Hayne could not be contacted on the R/T by his No.1 and nothing more was seen or heard from him. It is believed aircraft & pilot forced landed somewhere in the area. The other Spitfire arrived back at base at 12.25.

P.O.W Camp Oflag Luft lll Sagan.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1943-12-01


P/O Hayne arrived at the squadron. 1943-12-17
JK667 Formation flying 1943-12-19
JK190 Vasto to Bari return. 1943-12-21
MA712 Experience on type 14.35 to 15.00 1943-12-23
MA565 Formation flying 1943-12-24
MA633 Scrambled over base to 25,000ft as usual plots faded. 1943-12-28
MA630 Aircraft test 1943-12-29
JK892 Calibration test. 1943-12-30
MA633 Scrambled saw nothing. 1944-01-03
JK464 Convoy escort from Bari to Manfredonia. 1944-01-09
JK709 Formation flying & gun test. 1944-01-12
JK709 Scrambled the ordered to land. 1944-01-14
MA311 Search for Liberator Niget Island region, no trace. 1944-01-14
JK970 Practice scramble 1944-01-21
JK991 Local flying practice 1944-01-22
JK709 Convoy patrol 1944-01-25
MA630 Air test 1944-01-28
JK709 Sweep over Dalmatian coast. Strayed trains & lorries at Hutova 1944-02-02
ER178 Calibration test 1944-02-03
MA630 Top cover to Naval units shelling enemy positions at Šolta Island. 1944-02-04
MA311 Scrambled various vectors saw nothing. 1944-02-04
EN582 Air & cannon test 1944-02-15
JL226 Air test 06.50 to 07.10 1944-02-16
JL226 Air test 14.30 to 14.50 1944-02-16
EN252 Sweep Dalmatian Islands for Radar stations, no sightings. 1944-02-17
MA532 Shipping recce Korčula many small schooners seen. Hvar to Vis patrolled Vis the to base. 1944-02-18
JK783 Sweep Dalmatians saw few small boards at Vela-Luka. No shipping in Stari Grad. 1944-02-19
EN582 Air test 1944-02-20
EN252 Escort H.S.L 15 miles S. of Vis recalled due to weather. 1944-02-21
Emergency landing strip now on Vis Island. 1944-02-23
MA712 Shipping recce, saw large ship & 4 schooners at Solin 1944-02-24
JK991 Escort convoy 1944-02-26
MA311 Recce Dalmatian coast. Found convoy of about 50 lorries W. of Mostar. Strayed hits on about 12, 4 left in flames. 1944-03-02
JG783 Attacked two stationary trains at Poljica. F/Lt Hayne failed to return. 1944-03-03
P.O.W Camp Oflag Luft lll Sagan 1944-03-03


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