
CASHEN, Peter Henry


rank: Sgt
status: kifa
airforce: RCAF    (no: R96425 )
born: Canada

added by: Justin

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Squadron moved from Monastir to La Sebala No.2 landing ground, 30kms west of Tunis.

Sgt Peter Henry Cashen joined 73 squadron along with 11 other pilots.

01-06-43 to 18-06-43
Had thirteen flights with Hurricanes and two on Spitfires, type experience flying local.

06-06-43 Spitfires started to arrive at the squadron.

09-06-43 From Sebala to O.L.G (operations landing ground) at Cap Bon. 1910 to 1935

10-06-43 From O.L.G to Pantellaria island strafing the town & Harbour.

12-06-43 Spitfire ES142 on a local. (type experience) 1420 to 1445.

17-06-43 Spitfire JK527 Local flying 0735 to 0835.

18-06-43 Hurricane HV487 Crashed on circuit. Aircraft cat lll. Pilot killed.

18-06-43 No incidents on patrol but the day's good work was marred by the fatal accident of one of our youngest pilots, who had only joined this squadron about a month ago. The pilot was Sgt Cashen P.H. The accident happened when he was returning early to base from an operation flight, through some technical trouble. The aircraft was ???? out when he crashed on landing. 0420 to 0425.

19-06-43 This afternoon Sgt Cashen was buried in Tunis.

Something doesn't add up with this one in the logs it said the flight was 5 minutes, which in that case he might of been doing circuits. (Touch & goes). If someone would like to try and make sense of the sentence in the logs AIR27-632-11.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1943-05-01


Joined the squadron. 1943-05-30
ES142 Local flying 14.20 to 1445 1943-06-12
JK527 Local flying 0735 to 0835 1943-06-18
Killed in flying accident Hurricane IIc HV487. 0420 to 0425 1943-06-18


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