
COUSSENS, Herbert William


rank: F/O
status: survived
airforce: RAF
born: Catford United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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Flying Hurricane BN280
There was no operational day flying night flying began at 22.00. Several patrols took place and carried on well into the morning of the 26th. F/Sgt Joyce destroyed a JU.88. In the early evening 5 aircraft took off for a recce over the Marsa Matruh and forward areas. They encounter a number of ME109's and Coussens was believed to off been killed. In truth he returned later that night having to baled out west of Matruh. He landed in a mine field and spent some very uncomfortable minutes getting out of the danger area. During the same patrol P/O Fraser was wounded but flew his machine back to base and landed.

Coussens retired as a Flight Lieutenant. He later instructed in Nigeria.

He died in March 1996 in Henley-on-Thames.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1940-11-01


ES142 Local 1943-06-13
ES280 Local 1943-06-15
JK142 Local 1943-06-17
JK142 Local 1943-06-18
JK527 Local 1943-06-20
JK527 Local, type experience. 1943-06-22
ES142 Local, type experience. 1943-06-23
JK527 Dusk landings. 1943-06-27
JK527 Local flying practice. 1943-06-27
ES142 Dusk landings. 1943-06-28
JK967 Patrolled S.E to N.W Bizerte. 1943-06-29
JK161 Cannon test. 1943-07-01
JK161 Convoy patrol 10 miles N.E of Cap Serrat. 1943-07-04
JK667 Air test 1943-07-07
JK967 Patrolled convoy off Cap Zebib 1943-07-08
JK527 Patrolled convoy going S.E of Cap Zebib. 1943-07-09
JK726 Patrolled convoy anchored N. of Bizerte. 1943-07-10
JK726 Patrolled convoy near Cap Serrat 1943-07-12
JK527 Patrolled convoy off Cap Serrat. 1943-07-12
JK967 Patrolled convoy 15 miles S.E of Cap Bon 1943-07-14
JK888 Patrolled convoy between Pantellaria & Kelibia 1943-07-16
JK888 Patrolled convoy off Zembra Island. 1943-07-18
JK967 Patrolled convoys in Cap Bon & Bizerte areas. 1943-07-20
JK667 A.S.I test 1943-07-22
JK527 Patrolled convoy near Bizerte. 1943-07-25
JK726 Patrolled convoy between Sicily & Bizerte. 1835 to 2020 1943-07-29
JK726 Patrolled at 20,000ft N. of Galite island. 1943-08-01
JK967 Practice flying 1943-08-09
JK967 Practice flying 1943-08-12
JK967 Search for dinghy E. of Cap Bon, didn't find. 1943-08-16
JK967 Local flying practice. 1943-08-18
JK767 Air test 1943-08-21
JK527 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-23
ES142 To Setif 1943-08-25
JL222 From Setif to base (Sebala 1) 1943-08-25
JK970 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-08-27
JK667 Local flying practice 1943-08-30
JK970 Scrambled to 20 miles N. of Bizerte. E/A plot faded. 1943-08-31
JK667 Local flying practice. 1943-09-01
JK967 Air test 1943-09-02
JK667 Local flying practice. 1943-09-02
JK222 Local flying practice 1943-09-04
JK222 Patrolled convoy 20 miles W. of Marsala steering west. 1943-09-05
JL222 Air test 1943-09-13
JL222 Air test 1943-09-15
MA640 Air test 1943-09-16
JK222 Local flying practice 1943-09-18
JK527 Patrolled for dinghies about 60 miles from Sebala. Dinghies & crew found. 1943-09-19
20th September to 16th October Nil flying, squadron move to Montecorvino, Italy. 1943-09-20
JK222 Sebala to Catania (squadron move) 1240 to1440 1943-10-17
JK222 Catania to Montecorvino (squadron move) 0915 to 1030 1943-10-18
JK888 Shipping patrol in Salerno area. 1943-10-20
JK767 Patrolled Naples at 23,000ft 1943-10-21
JK527 Patrolled 23,000ft over Naples 0750 to 0940 1943-10-23
JK527 Shipping patrolling Licosa to Capri 1943-10-24
JK767 Patrolled convoy N. of Capri 1943-10-26
JK767 Convoy patrol N. of Capri 1943-10-26
JK464 Patrolled over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-10-27
MA459 Patrolled Naples at 23,000ft 1943-11-02
JK888 Shipping recce. 1943-11-04
JK767 Patrolled Naples 1943-11-05
JL161 Convoy patrol 1943-11-18
JK437 Patrolled Naples at 23,000ft 1943-11-19
MA311 Montecorvino to Foggia main one squadron move. 1943-12-02
JK437 Sector recce Foggia. 1943-12-05
JK437 To Bari to refuel (later escort to DC.3) 1943-12-14
JK437 From Bari 1943-12-14
JK667 To Taranto, returned to base owing to bad weather. 1943-12-17
JK437 Patrolled Barletta to Molfetta 1943-12-17
JK437 Local flying practice. 1943-12-19


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