
HILTZ, Gerald John E


rank: P/O
status: survived
airforce: RCAF    (no: J18260 )
born: 1922-12-04 Kentville Canada

added by: Justin

All Images:

Bio / Text:

< = expand >
73 squadron

G.J.E. Hiltz 'Gerry' 1922 - 2003 Passed away peacefully on Saturday August 9, 2003 at the age of 80,


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1943-03-01


ER136 Local flying 0755 to 0835 1943-07-03
JK460 Local flying 1943-07-03
ER136 Local flying 1943-07-04
JK460 Local flying 1943-07-05
ER136 Local flying 1943-07-05
JK460 Cannon test 09.35 to 09.45 1943-07-05
ER136 Local flying 1943-07-06
JK767 Local flying 1943-07-07
JK427 Local flying 1943-07-07
3 more hurricanes set off for Malta today F/Sgt Hiltz included. 1943-07-09
Anti searchlight patrols in Sicily 1943-07-10
Malta to Sebala 1715 to 1905 1943-07-13
JK767 Sebala to Cap Bon 1943-07-15
JK767 Cap Bon to Sebala 1943-07-15
JL161 Local flying 1943-07-17
JK604 Local flying 1943-07-18
Cannon test 1943-07-20
JG953 Cannon test 1943-07-20
JG953 Dusk landings 1943-07-23
Dusk landings 2015 to 2115 1943-07-24
JK546 Convoy patrol N. of Cap Serrat 1943-07-27
JK892 Patrolled convoy 10 miles N. of Bizerte. Saw tanker blow up at rear of convoy. 0545 to 0725. 1943-08-03
JK892 Cover for Wellington & Wulrus on a air sea rescue job. 1943-08-04
JG953 Formation flying 1943-08-09
JK604 Shadow firing 1943-08-11
JK190 Airborne to patrol convoy but could not locate. Informed not yet left Algiers. 1943-08-19
JK190 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-22
JK892 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-08-24
JK892 Patrolled convoy between 40 miles N. of Cap Bon & Bizerte. 1943-08-26
JK190 Scrambled to 15,000ft 1943-08-27
JK190 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft. 1745 to 1915 1943-08-29
JK190 Dinghy search 0915 to 1045 1943-08-30
JK427 Interception practice 1943-08-31
JK190 Flying practice 1943-09-01
JK190 Flying practice 1943-09-04
JK546 Scrambled over Bizerte, see nothing. 1943-09-05
JK460 Convoy patrol W. of Bizerte. 1943-09-06
JK190 Convoy patrol off Cap Monastir 1943-09-07
20th September to 16th October Nil flying squadron move to Montecorvino, Italy 1943-09-20
Shipping recce Capri to point Licosa. 1943-10-29
JK190 Patrol over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-10-30
JK892 Shipping patrol between Licosa point & Capri 1943-11-01
JK190 Patrol over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-11-02
JK190 Shipping patrol of convoy 'MURIEL' 1943-11-04
JK190 Patrol over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-11-05
JK709 Shipping petrol west of Licosa point. 0615 to 0830 1943-11-07
JK392 Shipping patrol 1943-11-07
JK546 Shipping patrol 1943-11-10
JK546 Patrol over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-11-11
JK546 Aircraft test 0950 to 1010 1943-11-12
JK546 Aircraft test 1055 to 1125 1943-11-12
JK546 Shipping patrol between Capri & Naples. 1943-11-13
JK460 Patrolled convoy 12 miles south of Capri. 1943-11-20
JK709 Naples patrol 1943-11-22
JL172 Scrambled over Sorrento but once again plot faded. 1943-11-26
JK709 Aircraft test 1943-11-29
JK190 Montecorvino to Foggia main, one squadron move. 1943-12-02
JK190 Local flying 1943-12-07
JK712 Foggia to Bari & return. 1943-12-14
MA532 Bari to Foggia 1943-12-15
MA633 Aircraft test 1943-12-17
JK892 Patrolled a line Barletta to Molfetta 1943-12-17
MA712 Sweep over Vis & neighboring islands. Little light A.A from Vis harbour. 1944-01-11
JK991 Local flying 1944-01-14
JK527 Practice formation flying. 1944-01-17
JK546 Convoy patrol from Barletta to Manfredonia 1944-01-18
JK437 Practice scramble 1944-01-21
MA630 Local flying practice. Return after 10 minutes with engine trouble. 1944-01-22
JK437 Straffed trains & wagons at Hutova. One engine destroyed plus 2 wagons. 1944-02-02
JL226 Aircraft test 1944-02-03
JK464 Special mission contact destroyers south of Gornje-Selo Solta island then escort them into Stari Grad. 1944-02-04
MA630 Swept over yugo-Slav mainland made landfall 10 miles west of Split. Followed railway but no targets. 1944-02-14
JK991 Army co-ops 1944-02-15
MA630 Shipping recce of Dalmatian Island harbours. 1944-02-18
JK991 Covered two destroyer returning to Manfredonia from15 miles south of Vis. 1944-02-22
JK991 Air test 1944-02-23
There is an emergency landing strip now on Vis Island. 1944-02-23
LZ838 From Grottaglie to base 1944-03-03
MA640 From Grottaglie to base 1944-03-27
JK991 Airborne to escort Cat PBY but did not locate 1944-03-29
P/O Hiltz left the unit today on posting to 185 squadron in Malta. 1944-04-06


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