


rank: Lt
status: survived
airforce: SAAF    (no: 328518V )
born: South Africa

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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2/Lt J.Van Der Merwe joined 94 squadron 02-01-44.


Squadrons add
RAF 94 1944-01-01


News received today squadron to be completely re-equipped with Spitfires. 1944-03-03
Four Hurricanes were flown to the Delta today to be replaced by Spitfires 1944-03-04
MA360 Patrol convoy 'WAGON' 1944-03-11
JK327 Patrol convoy 'ACROSS' 1944-03-13
MA360 First light convoy patrol 'RAVEN' 33 ships going west. 0620 to 0725 1944-03-18
First light patrol convoy 'WAGON' 0625 to 0820 1944-03-21
(Hurricane HW.173) Patrol convoy 'WAGON' with 336 squadron. 1815 to 1925 1944-03-21
MH982 Order to intercept hostile going North. Unable to owing to scrambled to late. 1944-03-23
JK742 Patrol convoy 'TELESCOPE' 1944-03-30
MH977 Section scrambled, E/A turned away to the North. Pancaked 1944-04-04
JK518 Last patrol over convoy 'PANNIER' 1944-04-17
JK518 Last patrol over convoy 'PANNIER' 1944-04-17
Convoy patrol 1944-05-04
JK972 Dusk sweep carried out over convoy 'CASING' 1944-05-16
JK327 Convoy patrol 'HANKEY' 0955 to 1200 1944-05-24
Four pilots including Lt VanDer Merwe left on attachments to 259 wing. (Operation Turpitude) 1944-05-29
Squadron moved from Bu Amud to Savoia 1944-07-15
JK977 Patrol convoy 'TYPEWRITER' 1944-07-20
MA363 Patrol convoy 'STRAND' 1944-07-30
EN254 Offensive sweep over Create, nothing seen. 1600 to 1830 1944-08-06
MH558 First light patrol over convoy 'EASTCHEAP' 0605 to 0805 1944-08-09
EN254 Offensive sweep over Crete, no E/A seen. 0610 to 0850 1944-08-14
No flights from 1944-08-27 to 1944-10-18 squadron moving to Kalamaki,Greece 1944-08-27
ER525 Railway traffic was attacked at Kitros. 8 trucks were left burning 3 more smoking, 1 staff car left in flames. 1944-10-23
Section flew to Lemnos to escort DC.3 not contact was made. 1944-10-31
ER871 T/O to straf rail traffic between Salonika & Devdelija. Strafing was prevented by ground mist to 200ft. 1944-11-01
ER501 Section flew to Lemnos to escort Dakota, no contact made. 1944-11-04
ER222 Section attacked & destroyed 3 engines 25 wagons. Small flak at first then heavy A.A from armored train. All Spits returned safe. 1944-11-07
JK256 Veles & Skopjle one engine destroyed 3 wagons damaged. Intense flak encountered, F/O Hulse hit but managed to reach base. 1944-11-09
EE783 Strafing of M.T's in Crete, no targets seen. 88mm flak encountered around Suda bay. 1944-11-27
LZ928 Section flew to Crete for further operations. 1944-12-05
LZ928 Section returned to base after carrying out operations against the Germans isolated on Crete. 1944-12-05
JK649 Section escorted RAF convoy into Athens from AHQ against any possible attacks by ELAS 1944-12-07
JK649 Strafing ELAS from around Athens stadium. 1944-12-08
ER663 Section carried out low level strafing attack on high ground S. of stadium held by guerilla troops. 1944-12-10
MH590 Strafing attacks on guerilla houses in Athens. 1944-12-13
EP612 Section escorted a supply dropping Halifax to AHQ. Also strafed ELAS troops & M.T. 1944-12-18
Section continued to escort tanks from AHQ to Kifisia. 1944-12-19
ER525 Recce for ELAS troop in hills N.E of Kalamaki, nothing was seen. 1944-12-20
EP612 Recce for guns in Athens area, none observed. 1944-12-21
LZ828 Armed recce over Peristeri. 1944-12-23
Recce of Eleusis, Corinth & Tripolis. Returned early owing to weather. 1944-12-25
JK649 Escort to armoured convoy proceeding along road to Koropi. 1944-12-29
ER663 Drop supplies to prisoners at Mafiklia & Kifissia.owing to bad visibility did not locate. 1945-01-02
MA363 Drop supplies to POW's 1945-01-03
ER663 Dusk patrol around base, nothing seen. 1945-01-04
LZ828 Armed recce of M.T traffic Elvesis & Koropi. 1 truck destroyed. 1945-01-06
MA363 Cover armoured column at Elevsis 1945-01-08
Lt Van Der Merwe posted to advance SAAF camp, tour expired. 1945-01-22


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