


rank: F/Sgt
status: unknown
airforce: RAF    (no: 656320 )
born: United Kingdom

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Arrived at 73 Squadron 08-12-43


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1943-12-01


JK892 Formation practice 1943-12-13
JK892 Bari to Foggia formation flying 1943-12-15
JG953 Practice flying 1943-12-16
JG953 8 Spits, formation flying 1943-12-19
JK190 Calibration test 1943-12-20
JG793 4 Spit escort to DC.3 from Vasto to Bari 1943-12-21
JK190 4 Spits formation flying 1943-12-23
JK892 4 Spits formation flying. 1943-12-24
MA712 Experience on type, Mark lX 1943-12-30
JK892 5 Spits, pratice flying & formation 1943-12-30
JK892 Convoy patrol with F/O Bretherton 1010 - 1220 1944-01-09
MA532 Scrambled with F/Sgt Bailey, a/c proved to be friendly 1050 - 1110 1944-01-11
MA630 A.S.R. search for Liberator region of Niget Island. No trace found. 1944-01-14
MA311 Air test 1944-01-16
JK546 Convoy patrol with W/O Ritchie N.of Bari to Bari harbour. 1944-01-19
JK970 Local flying practice 1944-01-22
MA630 Scrambled with W/O Ritchie, proved friendly 1944-01-23
JK546 Air test 1944-01-25
JK527 4 Spit sweep over Vis Island, no incidents accept a little light flak that was inaccurate. 1944-01-26
JK527 From Salsola to base 1045 - 1055 1944-01-26
JK970 4 Spits escorted destroyer that were engaged in shelling enemy positions on the islands (Šolta) that our squadron has been sweeping the last few days. 1944-02-04
ER178 Calibration test 1944-02-08
ER178 Airborne with P/O Hiltz, army co-ops with th sectors guns 1944-02-15
MA712 6 Spit sweep over Vis for recognition purposes for the partisans. 2 a/c returned early, 1 didn't t/o. 1005 - 1010 1944-02-16
MA712 Air test 1944-02-16
ER178 Shipping recce of harbours around the Dalmatian islands & any signs of radar station's. Many small schooners sighted 1105 - 1320 1944-02-18
JL226 Air test 1944-02-20
MA630 Air test 1944-02-20
There is an emergency landing strip now on Vis Island. 1944-02-23
ER178 Shipping sweep of Dalmatian islands, no shipping seen. On return to base saw 2 destroyers on their daily visit to Vis. 1944-02-23
EF630 6 Spits in pairs in intervals safety escorted 2 destroyers from Vis to Manfredonia. 1944-03-01
JK546 Airborne with W/O Hampton, to escort Cant (Italian a/c) but upon reaching Vis was told a/c not taking off. 1944-03-27
ER178 Army co-ops 1400 - 1445 1944-03-28
ER178 Army co-ops 1505 - 1615 1944-03-28
JL226 Air test 1645 - 1830 1944-03-28
MA712 4 Spit patrol N.of Vis at 6/800ft, saw 2 a/c crossing Hvar gave chase but lost sight of them in the haze. 1944-03-29
ER783 Beat up guns at Manfredonia & practice flying. 1944-03-29
MA311 Air test 1944-03-31
JK612 Airborne with W/O Hampton to escort Cant. Patrolled Vis for 15 minutes but Cant didn't t/o 1944-04-03
MA532 4 Spit dusk patrol over Vis, on returning to Foggia 9/10 clouds, section diverted to Madna up N.E coast. Pilots remaining overnight with a D.A.F unit 1850 - 2005 1944-04-05
MA532 From Madna to base (Foggia main) 1055 - 1115 1944-04-06
JL350 Air test 1944-04-12
MA311 Patrolled Vis & Viški channel with F/Sgt Rumbelow 0620 - 0815 1944-04-14
MA640 6 Spit offensive shipping recce along coast to Duba across to Raciste attacked some well camouflaged shipping at Lambarda. One ship left on fire. 1944-04-15
To Grottaglie with F/O Wyndham in a Fairchild a/c 1944-04-17
JL164 From Grottaglie to base with a new Spitfire 1300 - 1340 1944-04-17
MA633 Air test 1944-04-17
MH359 F/O Martin & F/Sgt Strange escort Spit-bombers bombing attack of Ston & barge at inlet Doli cove. Building seen to topple 1944-04-18
MA633 Patrol of Vieste with W/O Buckley 0700 - 0820 1944-04-20
EN252 Patrol Vis with W/O Buckley 1830 -1955 1944-04-22
ES142 Air test 1944-04-24
JG866 4 Spit VC's bombed Makarka from 1,500ft all bombs fell in the town. 1944-04-29
JK672 6 Spit to Orebic to attack Riviera hotel. 4 bombs hit target considerable damage. Strafed barge & lunch on the return. 1705 - 1915 1944-05-07
LZ815 6 Spits airborne target Seibel ferries reported in Raciste harbour. No shipping sighted. Secondary target hotel Riviera Orebic four direct hits. 1135 - 1325 1944-05-08
JG800 Air test 1944-05-09
EF652 Recce Ciovo attacked 2 launches both were wrecks. To Loviste bombed lighthouse area. 1944-05-10
LZ815 Five Spit sweep 5 miles N.E of Planosa spotted a dinghy. 1 section remained & patrolled until P.B.Y arrived. Orbited at 0ft and saw 2 motionless men lying face down. 1944-05-12
JL393 4 Spit armed recce target M.T dump at Ston. No trace of dump, secondary target bombed 2 large buildings. All bombs near misses from 1000ft 1944-05-13
JK672 4 Spits target Siebel ferries. Bomb run at 100ft, two near misses. 1944-05-14
JK672 Return from Vis today after being shot up on the 14th 1944-05-16
JL309 6 Spit sweep of roads Split, Sinj, Knis, Drnis. Only targets seen two M.T both flamers. Rainstorm at base landed Termoli 1944-05-17
JL309 From Termoli to Amendola 1944-05-17
ES347 From Grottaglie 1225 - 1310 1944-05-26
EE804 Air & Cannon test 1944-05-27
JL309 Air test 1944-05-27
ES142 To Vis to refuel 0625 - 0710 1944-05-28
ES142 4 Spit sweep down river to Ključ sighted moving covoy at Bosansko Grahovo. Attacked & damaged 12 M.T. killed at least 10 soldiers. 1944-05-28
EF530 From Vis to base 1944-05-28
JL309 From base to Vis 0900 - 0935 1944-05-30
JL309 3 Spit escort to Baltimores bombing Prekaja. 1944-05-30
JL309 Vis to base 1944-05-30
ES142 Air test 1944-05-31
JL222 To Vis to refuel 1100 - 1140 1944-06-01
JL222 4 Spits to Bosansko Grahovo attacked railways, engine blew up & all wagon raked 1220 - 1410 1944-06-01
JL222 Vis to base 1505 - 1555 1944-06-01
JK191 To Vis 0455 - 0545 1944-06-04
JK191 Standing patrol of Brač with F/Sgt A.Rowe, sighted three Me.109's both pilots destroyed 1 each & W/O Strange damaged the 3rd. 1830 - 1910 1944-06-04
JK191 Vis to base 1950 - 2030 1944-06-04
MA332 To Vis to refuel 1430 - 1510 1944-06-06
MA332 Vis to base 1635 - 1725 1944-06-06
JG871 To Vis 0855 - 0940 1944-06-07
JG871 3 Spits to bomb railway bridge at Otoak, unable to find target owing to bad weather so bombed road junction at Knin 1130 - 1345 1944-06-07
JK193 3 Spit patrol of Vis 0555 - 0705 1944-06-09
JK193 3 Spit escort duty, proceeded to Andrisa then recalled to Vis 0855 - 0925 1944-06-09
JK193 3 Spit sweep Japlanica, Sarajevo. 8 loco's destroyed 3 damaged. Wagons set on fire. 1 M.T destroyed. 1055 - 1225 1944-06-09
JK193 Vis to base 1540 - 1620 1944-06-09
BR351 To Vis to refuel 1450 - 1530 1944-06-10
BR351 5 Spits at Trebinje attacked Loco & wagons Loco blew up.1610 to 1755 1944-06-10
BR351 5 Spit sweep Scradin to Benkovac, no targets 1900 to 2030 1944-06-10
BR351 5 Spits from Vis, sweep Novigradsko lake to Drvar attacked armored cars severely damaged 0455 to 0640 1944-06-11
BR351 Vis to base 1215 - 1255 1944-06-11


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