
Spitfire R7034


model: PRIV
factory: HEA
engine: M45


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RAE 7-6-41 Cv PRIII Type C later to PRV Special FACB 2-4-42 high alt trials 4-8-42 ETPS 19-11-42 air homing trials transfer to BDU 4-43 eng change to Sunbeam Talbot returned RAE same month for cool trials and drag reduction mods. To Peterborough 6-43 for chemistry application trials left UK 12-6-43 for Gibraltar temperature rating tests Flew around Middle East Gibraltar-Maison Blanc Tripoli-Cairo Tripoli-Malta Algiers-Gibraltar had jettison overload tanks Main purpose was validity of trop filters and various cooling Farnborough 15-7-43 Flexi-tank trials in 8-43 tanks fitted later to Blenheim and Mosquito to Farnborough as comms aircraft Recco trials with Spitfire IX 19-1-44 Trials TR1996 radio from 6-44 used as Farnborough hack ACR trials with Firebrand EK670 20-11-46 VHF and SBA trials To RAF film unit Hucknall photo sessions with Lancaster FM201 Spent practically all its service life at RAE and AAEE and still on charge in 1954

* for acronyms please see Spitfire Production

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