

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
BS400 IX CHA FF 17-10-42 64S 18-10-42 453S 'FU-X' 2-4-43 AST 18-4-43 mods Missing presumed shot down off Schouwen 22-6-43
BS394 IX CHA FF 3-10-42 340S 8-10-42 AST 8-11-42 341S 26-3-43 316S 22-8-43 302S 28-9-43 Westland for painting 23-1-44 312S 14-11-44 RHAF 29-4-48
X4828 Ia EA 9MU 29-11-40 485S 19-4-41 61OTU 1-6-41 303S 17-7-41 306S 6-10-41 308S 11-12-41 57OTU 2-1-42 GAL overhaul 19-11-42 52OTU 15-5-43 1TEU 8-3-44 ASTH 8-3-44 CE 15-4-45
X4486 Ia EA FF 19-9-40 8MU 20-9-40 72S 24-9-40 122S FACB 5-6-41 Westland 61OTU 27-10-41 57OTU 10-1-42 engine failed Molt Denbigh CE 11-5-43 SOC 31-5-43 FH827.50
X4425 Ia EA FF 13-9-40 8MU 14-9-40 19S 18-9-40 92S 57OTU 8-3-41 CAC ops 2-7-41 61OTU 20-11-41 RAE 1-42 Flew into sandbank and crashlanded on beach Llanddulas Denbigh FACE 4-4-43
W3816 Vb EA FF 22-8-41 8MU 24-8-41 611S 29-8-41 Shot down by Bf109s nr Mardyek escorting Blenheims to Hazebrouck 20-9-41
W3457 Vb EA FF 10-7-41 12MU 13-7-41 616S 23-7-41 65S 6-10-41 AST 23-12-41 340S 9-3-42 FAAC 13-7-42 ros 41S 16-8-42 FACB 27-8-42 Westland M46 install 501S 4-4-43 FACB 11-9-43 Cunliffe-Owen 4-2-44 hook fitt RNAS Henstridge 28-3-44 (76... ...
W3127 Vb EA FF 22-4-41 6MU 23-4-41 74S 16-5-41 AST 8-7-41 401S 27-9-41 Westland 5-11-41 340S 'GW-X' 9-3-42 CE ops 1-8-42 AST 9-8-42 Yeovilton 7-9-42 Lee 20-11-42 453S 'FU-U' 2-1-43 222S 31-3-43 167S 19-5-43 3501SU 27-5-43 Yeovilton... ...
W3122 Vb EA FF 19-4-41 8MU 22-4-41 91S 29-4-41 Heston 8-12-41 ASTH 24-2-42 111S 3-5-42 Duxford 31-12-42 to 3457M 10SoTT 12-1-43
R7293 Va EA FF 8-4-41 38MU 10-4-41 64S 16-5-41 611S Shot down by Bf109s nr St.Omer while escorting Blenheims to Hazebrouck 3-7-41 Sgt McHugh missing
R7063 Ia EA FF 3-2-41 9MU 4-2-41 61OTU 1-7-41 CAC 17-2-42 ASTH 57OTU 24-4-43 Spun into ground nr Morpeth presumed pilot blacked out in turn FACE 11-10-43
R6985 Ia EA FF 19-7-40 6MU 21-7-40 234S 25-7-40 shot down by Bf109s off Swanage Dorset P/O Parker pow 15-8-40
R6720 Ia EA FF 12-6-40 12MU 13-6-40 222S 10-7-40 shot down force-landed nr Bekesbourne Kent P/O Assheton safe 30-8-40 Cunliffe-Owen 3-9-40 8MU 22-12-40 Cv Va M45 22-12-40 130S 21-10-41 134S 25-12-41 133S 25-12-41 116S 6-11-42 288S 1... ...
P9329 Ia EA FF 7-2-40 10MU 14-2-40 257S 24-5-40 7OTU 17-6-40 C2 12-10-40 SOC 22-11-40 bboc 65S 29-11-40 AST 11-12-40 61OTU 11-8-42 flew into hill with X4852 Church Stretton Salop CE 20-1-43 SOC 24-1-43 FH359.20
P9328 Ia EA FF 6-2-40 10MU 13-2-40 602S 20-5-40 222S 21-5-40 shot down by Bf109 9-9-40 GAL 12-9-40 PDU HAL 8-3-42 Cv PRV Type G M46 140S 11-6-42 140S TAF 31-3-43 FAAC 16-10-43 SOC CE 14-8-45
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify